In 25 EOS, it is believed that Alethkar had a power struggle, and because of this the occupying forces left Herdaz. This would lead to formation of the Herdazian royal family, which lasts to today.
After the Alethi left to aid their High Lord or Lords to maintain power in Alethkar, the Herdaz royal family took power with little resistance from their people. The Herdaz family would be the constant governing force throughout the next millennium whenever an occupying force left the region. Sometimes, the royals would be installed as puppet sovereigns, however more often they would be deposed and forced to fend for themselves. Because of this, the royal family would often intermingle with other Herdazian non-royal nobles and even common people families. In the current day, it is very common for a lot of Herdazian to have some family tie to the Herdazian royal family