at 0 EOS, it is believed Herdaz was held by the Alethi, which started before the Recreance. This occupation would last until about 25 EOS.
Throughout the History of Roshar, Herdaz has been frequently occupied. Usually, the occupation ends after an occupying force finds it too costly to continue holding.
For the first 400 years or so, this history is based off of speculation and oral/cultural history, as many written histories were destroyed or hidden by the Hierocracy.
When the timeline mentions Alethkar, except between 200-400 EOS, it means the ethnic people of the Alethi territory, however until 200 EOS, they did not consider themselves Alethi, and were just whichever lord held sway in the area.
Not much is known about this event in history, and many facts are partially hearsay and folklore, so not much can be trusted as completely objective. According to legend, the Knights Radiant abandoned humanity at the end of the last desolation in 0 EOS, betraying their oath to protect humanity, and disappearing. Since then, The Knights Radiant, and the ability to cast oldmagic, disappeared for hundreds of years.
at 0 EOS, it is believed Herdaz was held by the Alethi, which started before the Recreance. This occupation would last until about 25 EOS.
In 25 EOS, it is believed that Alethkar had a power struggle, and because of this the occupying forces left Herdaz. This would lead to formation of the Herdazian royal family, which lasts to today.
In 100 EOS, Jah Keved invaded Herdaz, deposing the Herdazian royal family and removing them entirely from power.
Jah Keved's occupation was cut short by their failure expanding East into Alethi territory. Alethkar forced back Jah Keved armies, and eventually entered and took control of Herdaz. The Alethi instated the Herdaz royal family to control the territory, however their interests were elsewhere and after 25 years or so, the royal family just declared independent sovereignty and the Alethi never stopped them.
After a declaration of sovereignty, the Herdazian royal family maintained the territory for 60 years before the uniting of Alethkar.
During this time, the Alethi held the territory of Jah Keved and Herdaz as united Alethkar. However in 340, Jah Keved declared their independence, claiming their original territory and Herdaz by 343 EOS.
A brief occupation of Herdaz by Jah Keved, which was ended quickly by Alethi forces who returned to reclaim Herdaz and Jah Keved.
Alethkar reclaim control of the Herdaz territory, however they installed the Herdazian royal family as the new territory ruler.
Herdaz reclaimed control of their homeland, however the ardents of the Hierocracy began using the family as puppets, and held the governing body with an iron fist. This lasted until the end of the War of Loss, in which the Vorin church and religion was overhauled, forcing the ardents to give up arms, control, and property.
In the Third state, the royal family and the Herdaz people celebrated not only the end of the Hierocracy, but also the freedom of their lands. However, this would only last 32 years until Jah Keved took over Herdaz again.
Jah Keved took control in a surprise invasion of the territory, which shocked the continent. This occupation lasted 13 years.
The final occupation of Herdaz. This occupation would last nearly 100 years before Alethkar unity failed.
After the war for Veden independence, Herdaz eventually became independent, and has remained so ever since.