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Titan Calling - Destroyer

Though defined by their desire and capacity to break things, Destroyers are far from mindless brutes. For som Destroyers, this is the first step in the process towards rebirth; the flames must first burn and leave behind ash so that new life might rise. For others, it is to challenge the status quo, to see structures and order overturned. That being said, some Destroyers are just that: agents of utter destruction or entropy. Titans (and some Gods) with this Calling might be forces of nature, or the lingering void at the edges of creation. Nothing can stop a Destroyer from sundering what was once whole



  • All Fall Down: When purchasing the Knockdown or Shove Stunts, you may grant yourself the Shockwave tag, applying the same Stunt against everyone at close range with Defense equal to or less than your original target. If you spend Momentum, it applies at short range instead, affecting up to (Destroyer) non-trivial targets.

  • Asphalt Apocalypse: Spend Momentum to either tear up everything around you out to short range, or everything in a direct line from you out to long range. Anyone caught in the effect is knocked back one range band, and the affected area becomes difficult terrain.

  • Baneful Touch: When you touch someone, spend Momentum to curse their body, mind, or will. They suffer +1 Difficulty to either Physical, Social, or Mental actions as a special cursed Condition until you either grant them mercy or they receive supernatural healing from someone of your Tier or higher. Characters may only be affected by one iteration of this Knack at a time, even if targeted by different Scions. The Momentum cost is waived against trivial characters.

  • Bust Down the Walls: You gain +2 Enhancement on actions to brute force your way through obstacles, whether you’re breaking down doors, muscling past the bouncer, or barreling down a booby-trapped hallway. If you spend Momentum, this Enhancement applies before the roll.

  • Break the Aegis: Shields, armor, walls — all are as dust before the Destroyer. After a successful attack, you gain access to the following stunts:
    • No Shelter (1 or 3 successes): Destroy the target’s cover, and any other potential source of cover in close range. If the target has Heavy cover, this costs three successes.

    • Rend and Rust (1+ success): Lower the value of a target’s Soft or Hard armor tag by one until the end of the fight. You can purchase this stunt multiple times to degrade more powerful armor.

  • Entropic Eye: Once per scene, you may roll your Knack Skill to examine nearby vulnerabilities. You may spend a banked success to ask one of the following questions and get an accurate, useful answer from the Storyteller. When you act on these answers or advise another character to do so, gain +1 Enhancement.
    • What vulnerabilities does this (character, object, or structure) have?

    • How can I inflict maximum damage against this (character, object, or structure)?

    • Where is this (character, object, or structure)’s blind spot?

    • What here can give me an advantage against this (character, object, or structure)?

  • Mantle of Unmaking: You have +1 Defense against attacks made at close range. When you use the Disarm Stunt, you may destroy a mundane weaponinstead of simply disarming it.

  • Shattering Grasp: When you lay hands on an object or structure with a size-based Scale less than your Destroyer dots, roll Knack Skill. With any successes, it shatters instantly. Spend Momentum and destroy any object you can perceive without needing to touch it.

  • Equal and Opposite: Whenever you would be moved by an enemy (pushed, knocked down, picked up and thrown, etc.) you may spend Momentum to apply the same effects to the attacker after resolving them on yourself.

  • From Destruction: When performing an extended action to create something (physical or otherwise), you may destroy something related to the project. For example: smashing apart bricks, rending fabric, burning paper, drying out paint, etc. This adds one completed milestone to the project but also imposes the complication “Limited Resources” (2c) on the project. If not bought off, the lack of resources causes a problem during the crafting process.

  • Give-and-Take: You may end one condition on your target (including yourself ), which may include Injury Conditions, in exchange for a destructive sacrifice of equal value. The Storyguide is the final arbiter of this value, though should work with you to detail what is appropriate. For example, removing an Injury Condition might require a character to slash the tire of their car; while any 1 round of Stunned might involve ripping up a five-dollar bill.

  • Mantle of Unmaking: You have +1 Defense against attacks made at close range. When you use the Disarm Stunt, you may destroy a mundane weapon instead of simply disarming it.

  • Mine, Now: If you break an enemy’s weapon following the use of the Disarm stunt (either through your own strength or through use of Mantle of Unmaking, you may apply that weapon’s tags to your weapon until the end of the scene. You cannot destroy a Relic weapon this way. If any added tags overlap, gain 1 Enhancement per overlapping tag to all attack rolls with the weapon instead.

  • Shattering Grasp: When you lay hands on an object or structure with a size-based Scale less than your Destroyer dots, roll Knack Skill. With any successes, it shatters instantly. Spend Momentum and destroy any object you can perceive without needing to touch it.

  • Unstoppable Advance: As long as you keep moving, nothing can stop you. You must move continuously, and while you can turn, your path cannot loop back on itself. In the process of moving, you smash through any obstacle and wade through any hazard unscathed. This does not make you immune to being restrained by another character or from taking any immobilizing condition. However, no terror or obstacle can withstand your path. This effect ends when you stop moving, whether at your own decision or otherwise, or if you retread your already-destroyed footsteps. In combat, taking the Rush action counts as forward movement, so long as you follow the restrictions set forth in this Knack.


Immortal Knacks

  • By Will Alone: Choose a number of non-Birthright weapons equal to your Destroyer dots. When you make an unarmed attack, you are treated as if you were armed with one of these weapons, gaining all the appropriate tags. This doesn’t actually produce a literal weapon, but if you make a finger gun at someone, they’ll still end up with agunshot wound, no bullets required. This Knack cannot be enhanced by Master of Weapons.

  • Crushing Aura: Anyone in close range of you is subject to dangerous terrain, which causes a +1 Injury if not bought off. You may reflexively designate up to your Destroyer dots in characters who are immune to this aura, so be careful around houseguests and crowds.

  • Herald of the End: When you work to destroy a person, place, or thing that can be measured with Scale (overthrowing a World leader, razing a city, or bankrupting a multinational corporation), you may imbue, rather than spend, a point of Legend to invoke your Legendary Title as a Feat of Scale.

  • Redacted by the Void: You are a non-entity who distorts the records of the World. Any evidence of your presence in a scene is automatically destroyed at the scene’s end unless purposefully preserved by a being of your Tier or higher with a successful Clash of Wills. Actions to tail, track, or hunt you suffer +2 Difficulty. Trivial characters instantly forget about you once out of your presence; supernatural effects meant to restore or read their memory return only static and white noise.

  • Salt the Earth: When you destroy something, make a Knack Skill roll. With any successes, you do it so completely that no trace of the thing remains. With five or more successes, you may spend Momentum to erase the thing from the memories of others. This only affects targets on a personal level, unless you perform a Destroyer Feat of Scale.

  • The Walking Dread: Spend Momentum to create an atmosphere of existential dread and nihilism across the Field as desecrated territory. This atmosphere has a strength equal to half your Destroyer dots, rounded up, and overrides the current atmosphere unless it is backed by an effect of your Tier or higher, resolved by a Clash of Wills. Characters in your desecrated territory suffer a Complication equal to your Destroyer dots; if not bought off, they either cower or flee.

  • Entropic Pull: Add up to your Destroyer Calling in dice to a single roll, but for each die you add, add 1 to the Collateral Pool if in play or to Tension if not. If this would fill the Collateral pool, roll it immediately with your Destroyer dots in Enhancement. If this would make Tension 10 or higher, the Storyguide immediately promotes an enemy and gives them your Destroyer dots in Enhancement during their first action following this promotion.

  • Hammer of the Gods: Spend Momentum to add (Destroyer/2) in Scale to a single act of destruction, demolition, or otherwise wide-scale violence. This stacks with any other source of Scale, to the usual maximum.

  • Herald of the End: When you work to destroy a person, place, or thing that can be measured with Scale (overthrowing a World leader, razing a city, or bankrupting a multinational corporation), you may imbue, rather than spend, a point of Legend to invoke your Legendary Title as a Feat of Scale.

  • Made Favorable: Make a Knack Skill roll. On any successes, destroy one Field Complication of your choice. If this is not something that could be tangibly destroyed (such as an overwhelming social atmosphere) instead make the roll at a difficulty equal to the Complication’s rating, and spend Momentum. If the Collateral Pool is in play, add 1 to the pool. If not, add 1 Tension instead.

  • On a Pale Horse: Instantly kill any trivial target you can perceive. For 1 Momentum, instantly kill one target within Close range of you so long as they have less than half their Health remaining and are of lower Tier. If the target is of the same Tier or higher and otherwise meets the Criteria, they may be Taken Out instead and the Storyguide determines the most appropriate outcome instead. This Knack cannot target other players’ characters.

  • The Ties that Bind: Spend Momentum and destroy a relationship a target has with another character. This can be a target’s connection to their employer, a friendship, a romantic relationship, and so on. This cannot affect magically protected relationships, or undo Fatebinding and does not affect targets of a higher Tier. This cannot be used on another player character without their out of character consent.
Skills: Athletics, Close Combat, Science

Example Keywords: destruction, entropy, threatening, sharp, crush, demolish, unmake

Fatebinding Roles: Canary/Martyr, Nemesis, Rival

Failure Deeds: Fail to destroy something priceless, refuse a chance to unmake something, assist another in creating a new structure or institution, allow yourself or someone to stagnate
  Adoption Deeds: Break something invaluable, perform an epic show of force, demolish something belonging to an enemy until there is no trace left

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