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David Friedrich

David Friedrich

David's journey began in the bustling port city of Haad, nestled within Katag. The son of hardworking immigrant parents, he grew up in the shadows of poverty. His father toiled as an assistant to a local blacksmith, crafting essential components for the ships that adorned the city's harbor. A life of meager means meant that David, even as a youth, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his father in the clanging workshops, forsaking formal education for the sake of supporting his family.   As the years flowed, the path before David remained uncertain. While his hands touched the anvil and hammer, he could never master the art of blacksmithing. Yet, he held steadfast to the desire to stand by his family's side. Needing to continue to earn coin, he enlisted as a member of the city guard, a role that demanded him to patrol the city's labyrinthine streets, cleanse latrines, and fulfill any task that the ruling elite commanded. Though devoid of glamour, this occupation ensured food on the table for his kin.   It was during his service in the guard that David's prowess with a spear emerged, a skill that marked him amidst his comrades. His dedication and combat finesse drew the attention of the local noble family, eventually granting him a place in their private guard. Here, within the noble guardsmen, he first would learn to read and write, albeit at an extremely basic level, as he continued to provide for his family.   A year's worth of honor-strewn service transpired before fate cruelly intervened. Accusations, as false as they were numerous, assailed the small noble family and David alike. A web of deceit, woven by unseen hands, sought to topple the powers that be. Thus, the entire court, guards included, was cast into exile, destined never to tread the city's familiar stone streets again. In the aftermath of this upheaval, David's life turned towards the unpredictable realm of a sellsword. His purpose now was twofold: sustain his family and seek retribution for the injustices he suffered. Amidst his journey, a solitary paladin crossed his path, and the tales she bore resonated deeply within him. Driven by the need to rectify his own grievances, David embarked on a transformative journey under her teachings. Despite struggling with literacy, his resolve was resolute.   After several months, he would stand before the gods shrines and the paladin who had mentored him. In this solemn moment, David pledged an oath, vowing to mend the fractures of a world marred by wrongdoing. His thirst for justice burned brightly as he pledged to bring the malevolent to their rightful reckoning.   Yet, as destiny wove its threads, the paladin who had guided him vanished without a trace, leaving David to traverse the road alone once more. Armed with the principles of his oath, he ventured forth as a sellsword, selecting tasks that mirrored his solemn commitment to justice. With each thrust of his spear, he inched closer to a day when his exile would be lifted, and the wrongs committed against him would be righted.
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