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"They get everywhere, they're in your forests, they're in your hills and before you know it they're sat at your table talking about things they're too young to understand."
— Friedrich Jakinstu, describing Humans
    Humans are the most iconic race, originating from the World of Ukufa and spreading almost everywhere from there.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce through copulation, natural or artificial, resulting in conception. The following pregnancy often lasts roughly 40 weeks, but babies can be born prematurely, resulting in health complications that can endanger the newborn. Normally, only one child is born, but it's been known for multiple children to be born at a time, usually twins or triplets but there's been recorded instances of up to 5 children being born at once, usually suffering health complications and deficiancies due to the nature of multiple babies from the same conception.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans start off born as infants, and spend the first few months entirely dependent upon the care of its family to survive. From the ages of 1 - 3, humans become toddlers, waddling around to explore their curiosity of the big wide world that they lack the ability to understand.

After this stage, humans enter early childhood, fully capable of walking, using their hands and speaking, and are now able to fully satiate their curiosity as they start asking questions and investigating things, eventually culminating in middle childhood from the ages of 8 - 12, where they start preparing to transition to the next stages.

The ages of 13 - 16 are the teenage years, where humans undergo significant physical change and hormonal rebalancing, leading to a heightened state of emotional sensitivity and a developing sense of self-awareness and world knowledge. This phase is most well known for the troubles it can cause, the rapid changes putting immense emotional and physical pressure on humans.

Finally, at the ge of 16, humans become young adults, as hormonal and physical changes fully come to a halt and they near full adulthood, facing the world as fully grown humans even as other races are still in childhood.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans generally prefer more temperate environments, sticking to bountiful plains and forrests with temperatures of roughly 18°C - 26°C but are known to inhabit frigid environments like tundras and high mountains or blazing hot areas such as deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans have evolved to rely upon a versatile omnivorous diet, able to eat a mix of plants and meat to survive. This, however, does not include certain plants like trees, leaves or grass which humans cannot properly digest or raw meat, which requires a robust immune system that humans lack to eat safely.


"Aye, pesky little buggers they are. They tend to 'ang around a lot and get in the way but you have ta' like 'em."
— Interview from a Dwarven adventurer
Humans are, first and foremost, communal creatures, their psychology usually driving them to travel in groups and establish settlements of their kind, working to survive together. This is also the cause of humans being present in many different organisations or groups, such as adventuring parties, because their internal drive for the safety of a pack.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans originated from the World of Ukufa, evolving from primates into fully fledged sentient beings, and very quickly scattered themselves across the planet. They can be found in anywhere from high mountains to deep caves and lush fields.

Average Intelligence

Humans exhibit a moderate intelligence, mostly capable of invention and fairly fast technological advancement, understanding things from a curiosity-based angle not shared by the more scientifically advanced societies of the races such as the  Elves or the Dwarves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans, despite being the most explorative race, lack any form of night vision or advanced echolocation, relying entirely on regular senses to get by. They also are only capable of seeing light of wavelengths between 380nm and 700nm, significantly reducing their perception of colours, and can only hear sound within the range of 20Hz to 20kHz.
Genetic Descendants
World of Ukufa
60 - 70 years
Average Height
1.5m - 2m
Average Weight
60kg - 80kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans have a variety of different skin colours, ranging from extremely pale to deep browns and blacks to light yellows.
Geographic Distribution

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