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Friedrich Jakinstu

Friedrich Canol - Jakinstu

Friedrich Jakinstu is a famed ancient Elven scholar, travelling across the world to document various creatures and environments.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


When raised in his small hometown, Friedrich recieved a rudimentary education in the basics of the world and some intermediate training in nature magic as well as herbalism, which he later honed when living as a hermit.


Friedrich's career is mostly known for his many publications, his newfound hobby of exploraation and documentation turning into a well-honed job that saw him travel across continents to achieve his task.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Just a little writer's note here: many of these may not be accessible as of yet, since there's a lot and these are actual documents and books which will be written with information about the setting. Apologies in advance for the inconvenience.
  Over the years, Friedrich has written and published a wide variety of compendiums and manuals about the various creatures and places in the world. This is a list of all of these publications, with links to their public summary pages.

Failures & Embarrassments

When attempting to document some of the creatures in the Western Plains of the Salam Sultanate, Friedrich came into conflict with the Merchant's Guild when he accidentally interfered with a hunting party, who proceeded to make a mockery of him amongst their associates.

Mental Trauma

Despite attempting to bury his past in his hermit lifestyle and later explorations, Friedrich suffered from unprocessed grief when his hometown was raided by an Orc Warband, who slaughtered many of the residents and his family before being driven off.

Intellectual Characteristics

Through the use of potentially dangerous magic that has a wide array of side-effects, Friedrich succesfully modified himself to have an increased memory retention, quicker reactions and to become akin to a universal translator. Needless to say, there were many, many side effects.

Personality Characteristics


Initially, Friedrich was motivated by a deep need for contemplation and isolation, travelling deep into the woods to live as a hermit for many years, but eventually was convinced to leave, exploring the world and documenting it, which eventually created his many publications.


Despite following a mostly ascetic lifestyle, Friedrich followed a normal routine for hygeine.


Religious Views

Friedrich unintentionally became the figurehead of an atheistic movement, Mortal Libertarianism, detesting the gods who were seen as oppressive and dictatorial. Friedrich percieved the world to have not been created by the gods, seeing them as another byproduct of creation akin to the very people he saw as oppressed by the gods, leading to him almost splitting from the Mortal Libertarianism movement when they came to disagreements about the source of creation.

Social Aptitude

Although Friedrich first began his travels as part of his hermetic isolation, he eventually began to socialise with people again and learn social etiquette and cues, becoming a well accomplished socialite to assist his questions and curiosity. This culminated in his fondness for socialising with other cultures and his enhanced capability for defusing ethnic conflicts.


Throughout his travels, Friedrich learnt the mannerisms of various peoples, some of which he adopted for himself such as a very clear-cut politeness about entering people's homes, treating it as akin to the ancient myths of beings barred by invitation and household boundaries.

Hobbies & Pets

When exploring some of the more magical environments, Friedrich came into possession of some surprisingly docile creatures that he keeps as assistants and pets for his mobile workshop.

Wealth & Financial state

Although Friedrich lived a mostly ascetic life on his travels, he had amassed a large amount of wealth by the end of his life through the sale of his various chronicles and compendiums.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Contributing to the Aether Currents
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Later in his life, Friedrich was granted some small estates in Eastern Maqbara to retire to, although he chose to continue his work until his death, after which he let his lands pass to his loyal staff.
Date of Birth
24th of July, 433
Date of Death
7th of May, 922
433 BC 922 BC 489 years old
Circumstances of Death
Teleportation Incident
dark blue
Long, silver grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Initially, Friedrich knew only the tongue of his hometown, heavily restricted in communication until eventually, through the use of some particularly dangerous magic, turned himself into the equivalent of a universal translator.

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