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Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Hasslich mature to adulthood at roughly 13 years of age, living onto their 40s and 50s.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hasslich live off of a mostly herbivorous appetite but are able to consume meat if there is not enough food.


Hasslich express intense paranoia and agoraphobia, in a constant state of aggressive panic if they find themselves in an unknown, exposed area. This leads to Hasslich becoming fidgety and prone to attack when encountered outside, desperate to get home.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Hasslich work in a surprisingly harmonious collective, all sharing equal rank and working towards a common goal, usually survival or expansion. This leads to Hasslich societies often behaving more like a more independent hive mind as they scurry about and labour to achieve something that may not even be of benefit to them, but rather helps others in their group. Another side effect of this is that, if someone outside of their group manages to build trust and gain entry, they can very easily be integrated into their collective, being allowed to work and fight alongside them without a second thought as long as they pull their weight.

Facial characteristics

Hasslich often have slightly humanoid faces, easily discernible due to the overexaggeration of certain characteristics like the nose and cheeks. Hasslich also have long, pointy ears similar to goblins, which they often keep hidden under hats or helmets.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hasslich often make their homes in forested or mountainous areas, building or mining vast complexes they call Colonies to work and thrive in, constantly expanding.

Average Intelligence

Hasslich display an incredible intelligence, understanding many complex concepts and theorising logic at the forefront of technological advancement.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hasslich have developed the ability to see in dark surroundings, helping them to traverse their intricate underground colonies.
40 - 50 years
Average Height
0.6m - 1m tall
Average Physique
Hasslich have a short, hunched stature, usually padded with various collected items and clothing. Hasslich also have have thin, almost skeletal arms and legs, putting most of their weight into their bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Hasslich often have pale yellow or white skin, very rarely spending enough time in the sun to tan.

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Hasslich Scout CR: 1

Small , usually chaotic neutral
Armor Class: 15 (Leather Armour)
Hit Points: 10hp (2d8+2) 2d8+2
Speed: 30 ft


8 -1


9 -1


7 -2


15 +2


17 +3


10 +0

Skills: Self Preservation: If a Hasslich drops below half health, they become Frightened. If they are frightened in this way, they are still able to attack but their priority is to withdraw from combat.   Play Dead: If Hasslich would drop to 0hp and would take less than the damage needed to drop them to -10hp, they play dead instead of dying and are almost indistinguishable from dead ones.
Senses: Darkvision up to 40ft.
Challenge Rating: 1


Handpick: Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit : 4 (1d6+1)   Battle Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack, +4, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 10 (2d8+2). Cannot be used for opportunity attacks.


Tactical Retreat: If a Hasslich is Frightened and takes melee damage, it can move 5ft directly away from the attacker without taking opportunity attacks. This can only happen once per round.   Group Vengeance: If a hostile target makes a move that would normally give an opportunity attack, and has attacked a Hasslich this turn, the Hasslich instead makes an opportunity attack with an extra +2 to hit.

Lair Actions

Vision Memory: Spending their lives memorising their Colonies, Hasslich Darkvision extends to 80ft when in a Colony.   Call of the Mob: If a Hasslich deems a battle unavoidable and unwinnable, they can let out a cry for help that summons any nearby Hasslich to join the fight.

Hasslich Colonies are vast underground complexes of intertwining tunnels and chambers, a lethal maze to protect the Hasslich from threats.

Hasslich are short, hunched goblin-like humanoids that dwell deep underground. When they do come out of their tunnel networks, or Colonies as they call them, they often travel in large expedition groups that spend as little time topside as possible, hurrying to go home.


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