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Session 10: Catch Twenty-Two Report

General Summary

The seventh session, taking place on the 4th of November in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti) and Red (Erasmas). The session lasted from 19:03 British Time to 23:17 British Time.   The session began back in the inn, the party concerned over the new developments with their task. After ensuring the comatose Sensu would be safe at the inn, they party elected to return to the Merchant's Guild to learn more about what is going to happen.   Upon arriving, the trio found the Guildmaster debriefing the other party on what he had learnt from the prisoner. After seeing the party, he hastily brought them into the meeting. It didn't take long for the Guildmaster to explain that not only had the brigands been aware of the upcoming Guild interference, they had already made vast efforts to prepare. Not only that, but the force they would go up against was of such size and numbers that reinforcements would be needed before a direct assault could be launched. Despite the already large risks that the party knew were present, let alone the ones they didn't know of, the Guild Master explained that they and the other party would be heading out anyway, but their goal is just to ensure the safety of a group of merchants holed up along the trail then report back safely. Satisfied with the plan and somehow not the least concerned for risk of spontaneous and sudden death, the party collected Sensu and had Mork carry him as they all set out long the road.   The journey to the merchant encampment was mostly uneventful as the party saw signs of recent conflicts as they passed along the road but they otherwise had a safe trip. When they arrived, however, the party found the encampment in shambles as most of their improvised fortifications had been destroyed, their goods scattered and only a few people were even left in camp. After finding the person who seemed to be the most in charge, the party discovered that the camp had been attacked and overrun, most of the merchants abducted and their more valuable goods stolen. Following a short conversation about the camp, the party managed to get their hands on some waterskins full of olive oil. This very quickly prompted Sensu to come up with a method to turn the olive oil into portable fire bombs, potentially raising questions if anyone questioned his reasons for immediately turning the olive oil into improvised incendiary weapons. Assured that the other party could protect the remaining merchants in the meantime and now armed with multiple fire bombs, the party returned to the road to check on Bethowey.   Along their route, the party came upon an overturned and broken cart, which they immediately deducted was an ambush. In an attempt to ambush the ambush, Red immediately set the cart on fire, prompting all but one of the bandits to come out from cover and attack. The remaining one, seemingly the leader and very much a Kayin, instead leapt over the cart and through the fire to charge at the party. Now face to face with a group of their enemies, the party proceeded to almost get killed whilst dispatching them but ultimately succeeded, taking two prisoner. After some interrogation, the party learnt that the bandits were based out of a camp to the East, manned by dozens more and run by a group of Kayin. Now armed with information, the party used their Communication Crystal to inform the Guild Master, who in turn put the order out to return and prepare for the next step. Before returning to the city, the party instead went to check on the merchant's camp.   Upon arriving, the party found it completely empty. Hoping it was the Guild's mercenaries that had been sent to collect the merchants rather than another group of bandits, the party decided to return to the Guild itself, ready for the Guildmaster's new plan. When they arrived, however, they found the Guildmaster divided about the situation, but who ultimately chose to prepare a direct assault on the bandit camp. Although their plan had now been prepared, the Guildmaster informed the party that they would need to wait for the reinforcements that would arrive the following day before there would be enough manpower to win the battle. Happy to have extra pay for the upcoming task, the party returned to the inn to rest.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
Eshemi Sahar
Oliver Felixis
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
10 Nov 2023

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