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Session 4: Hasslich Migration

General Summary

The fourth session, taking place on the 2nd of September in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti) and Red (Ersasmas). The session lasted from 19:09 British Time to approximately 23:30 British Time, with everyone present.   The session began on the road near Bahr, where the party had rested after resolving the bandit incident in the last session. The party gathered the others and flat packed the Hasslich into the wagon and began to travel.   It didn't take long for the group to reach Bahr, which was roughly 15 miles from their current location, and the party found the small city to be peculiar, with low security and a cold but lazy approach from the city guards. After getting the wagon past the guards and parking it alongside the road, the group and Mork went to the Merchant's Guild, where they met Eletha the Lancer, Mark the Guildmaster and John the Boatkeep. After almost making the trio believe someone had broken in, the party explained the situation and agreed to hand the Hasslich over whilst the boats were out fishing, and who would then be transported to their home in return for help working on the new guildhouse. After this, the party returned to the wagon, to find a conflict amongst some of the Hasslich, who were growing untrustworthy with the delay and had begun to argue, but were promptly calmed down and brought to the guild. Finally, the party left Bahr to begin making their way back to Earsh to return the wagon.   On the road, the party decided to rest because of the long journey, setting up camp on the junction between Earsh and Bahr. At this point, during the shifts, the party members talked at length with eachother about their backstories, current events and what to do next. When the morning came, the party continued their journey and eventually arrived at Earsh. When they reached the city, they found the place to be much more tense than usual, the festival seemingly cancelled and security on high alert. Wary of the high alert, the party made haste to the Merchant's Guild to deliver the wagon and gather information, and Red acquired a log of mercenary groups who travelled to Winkwarwick. The party then proceeded to make their way out of the city, but they chose to wait near the city centre when they saw the Sultan and his entourage exiting the palace, meeting with a much larger group bearing an emblem that made Daiven worry. After watching for a while, the group decided to return back to the Merchant's Guild but halted when they heard fighting, which turned out to be the second group attacking the sultan's entourage, using overwhelming odds to try capturing or killing the sultan, who succesfully escaped into the palace. Confused as to the turn of events, the party returned to the Merchant's Guild to ask what was going on.   Upon arriving, the party found the place suddenly barren, the trainees and Clarke missing, and then proceeded to immediately break into the private room of the Guild and scour all of the confidential records. Unphased by their illegal actions, the party eventually found a handful of peculiar gold coins, marked by specifically placed indents and marks instead of imagery or iconography. Shortly after this, Clarke returned in a panic and became even more worried when he found the party searching the backroom, who had to convince eachother not to kill him on sight. The party didn't have long to speak to Clarke before a detatchment of the group they saw attacking the sultan storm the Guild, attempting to capture or kill the party who locked the backroom door then broke out the window, beginning to run.   Although the party managed to escape the Guild, multiple small groups of the enemy combatants began to follow them and attempted to cut them off. When running, the party came against a small civilian group, who they had to avoid in order to keep running but then delayed the pursuiers. It didn't take long after this that the party became lost, struggling to navigate the winding city streets whilst moving at high speeds. Eventually, however, the party reached the city wall, runninf alongside it to reach the city guard, narrowly avoiding the groups pursuing them as the hopelessly outnumberd guards attempted to hold the gate, allowing the party to escape. After getting through the gate, the party began to run as far from the city as they felt comfortable, reaching a safe distance before trying to plan their next move, choosing to travel West to learn what's happening and why as well as reunite with Eshemi and Mia. At this point, the party agreed to end the session for the night.

Rewards Granted

Payment is now available from the other group for assisting with their task.

Missions/Quests Completed

The group of wayward Hasslich were succesfully delivered to Bahr, completing the assignment to help the other group.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
05 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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