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Session 5: Country Roads Report

General Summary

The fifth session, taking place on the 16th of September in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti) and Red (Ersasmas). The session lasted from 19:17 British Time to 23:03 British Time.   The session began in the Earsh countryside, where the party had fled following the battle in the last session, far away from the newly occupied Earsh. The party decided to continue with their plan from the last session.   As the party continued along the road, they eventually reached the Repentents of Zala, where they discovered the local residents distrusting but welcoming of them, allowing them to rest nearby and revealed to the party that the village was a deeply ascetic community of worshippers. The party looked around for a short while before setting up camp in a small grove nearby, cutting down an ancient tree when they couldn't find enough firewood, which prompted a cold response from the locals who started giving the party a wide berth. After observing the locals and sleeping, the party packed up their things ready to leave, but then encountered refugees from Earsh, who informed them that the Sultan is alive and that the palace is under siege. The refugees also told the party of the mass arrests and occupation rule in place because of the invaders, and that many people chose to flee the city whilst they could. After this, the party continued on their way and began the 3 day journey to Bethowey, the mid-way point of their journey.
  After travelling off-road to avoid Earsh, the party eventually reached the road to Bethowey, where they passed a few traders and travellers, but eventually rested for the night. In order to better prepare for the rest of the journey, the party set up a small camp and began to plan the journey, setting watches and deciding their walking times. At this point, the party also asked for their payment from the other party, which Daiven and Mork supplied in the form of 60 gold pieces and 10 Small Mana Crystals, most of which went to the party fund and inventory. Following the night's rest, the party continued the rest of their journey, a power march that would save them a day of travel.
  Upon arriving at Bethowey, the party discovered that it was actually a very small waystation, inhabited by some farmers and brewers that profit from the trade between nearby towns and cities. With the aid of the town's very warm welcome, the party made their way to the town's main building, filled with traders and the local bartenders and merchants, who sold tobacco and excruciatingly expensive wine to the party. After a short inquiry, the party discovered they can rent one of the empty storerooms to sleep in for the night, which came with some pillows and blankets for the party to use. After finding a caravan heading to Winkwarwick to serve as guards for, the party slept for the night. After their rest, they met up with the caravan and made their way to their final destination.
  After travelling the short journey, learning about the developing hostilities between the local lumber companies and the elves, the party and the carvan arrived at Winkwarwick, only to discover that there is a newly instituted bagsearch, and that their caravan had begun to act incredibly nervous. Following a short inquiry, Sensu discovered that the caravan are actually drug runners, using regular commerce as a disguise for their shipments. Although Red caught on to this, only Sensu discovered the exact product being transported, and was responsible for distracting and (very illegally through magic) "convincing" the guards to let them pass without inspection. This led to the party panicking out-of-character for the 35% chance that they would be found out, arrested and executed, but they relaxed when Sensu managed to not get them into Deep Shit territory. Following their entry into the city, and after the party gained their bearings, Sensu proceeded to effectively run a shake-down of the smugglers, seizing 30 Small Mana Crystals, 10 Mana Crystls, 80gp, 4 Salamese Sabres and 3 Healing Potions. Sensu also learnt the location of their dropoff, situated in the Trade District of the city. Following this highly illegal, very risky and completely secret endeavour, the party made their way to the Winkwarwick Merchant's Guild to learn what is happening and deliver Clarke to people who can help him.
  When arriving at the guild, the party found it to be a massive multi-story building, the interior adorned with highly expensive, mastercraafted furniture but still being mostly empty. Shortly after this, the party met Guildmaster Graham North, who was busy negotiating protection contracts for the local lumberjacks. After the negotiations were finished, the party spoke to Graham about what had happened, handing Clarke to him as the other group settled in to find work. After comparing some information about mercenaries for Red and arranging to have the guildmaster bring Eshemi to meet them the following day, the party inquired about local inns then set off to find a place to rest.
  The party chose to take residence at once of the more expensive inns in the Noble Home District, being hit cold turkey with the upper class nature of the establishment, and discovered that the standard room price was 4gp per person, but there were discount rooms for 2gp per person. After a short discussion about the extreme price, the party chose to stay and rent the discount rooms. This turned out to be a very good idea, as the discount rooms were even larger than the other inn rooms the party had been too, came with rugs, expensive comfortable furniture, windows, lighting and high quality beds that would, for once, not induce chronic back pain in the party members. Whilst the other party members were sleeping for the night, Sensu knocked on Red's door, using a false claim of losing his key to get inside. After a short discussion, and after explaining to Red about the drug smugglers and helping them get inside the city, Sensu proceeded to crack out Magic Powder (cocaine for fantasy people) and he and Red, instead of sleeping, spent the night smoking, drinking and getting incredibly high. At this point, it was agreed for the session to end due to the late time and the convenient ending point.

Rewards Granted

The party recieved 60gp from the other group and shook down the drug smugglers for everything legal they had.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party helped Clarke return to another Merchant's Guild and succesfully finished their dealings with the other group.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
17 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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