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Session 6: Little Trouble in Big City

General Summary

The sixth session, taking place on the 23rd of September in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti), Eshemi (Yusa) and Red (Ersasmas). The session lasted from 20:03 British Time to 23:19 British Time.   The session began at the inn where the party took up residence at in the last session, where the party members still capable of cohesive thought and behaviour woke up.   Whilst waiting for Sensu to awaken, Xelfy and David began asking around for a skilled blacksmith, one of the city guards directing them to a local blacksmith responsible for the guard's equipment. On the journey there, the duo momentarily glimpsed someone who they believed to have possibly been Eshemi, but then carried on their journey when they lost sight of them. When arriving at the blacksmith, David began to ask about the Salamese Sabres he possessed, negotiating for one to be smelted for money, David getting a 60gp share of the profit, and for the other to be reforged into a spear. Satisfied with the exchange, the duo returned to the inn to meet up with the hopefully now sobred up Sensu.   When arriving at the inn, David went to Sensu's room to try finding him, only to discover the room locked and getting no response to knocking. After a short time, David resorted to requesting help from the staff, who unlocked the door to let him inside after verifying who he was. When entering, David found the room to be in the same condition as when they arrived and empty, sensu presumably elsewhere. After considering his possible location, David knocked on Red's door, which Sensu promptly opened to reveal not just a hungover and tired Sensu but a completely incapacitated and high Red, set to a thick background of smoke that began to billow out of the room. After a short explanation, David and Xelfy learnt that Sensu and Red had hotboxed the room and took an unhealthy amount of alcohol, drugs and smoked for the night, but Red had passed out due to lacking Sensu's iconic resistance to narcotics. After paying for Red to stay in the room and occassionally be checked on by the staff, the party made their way to the Adventurer's Guild to meet up with Eshemi.   When arriving at the Merchant's Guild, the party found themselves greeted not by Eshemi but someone who, when introduced by the Guildmaster, claimed to be a messenger from the Sahar Family, and told the party that they would not be allowed to speak to Eshemi and that they would not be needed in the city. When pressed by the party about the situation, the messenger turned cold as he directly told them that they do not want the party to see Eshemi and that they would not be arranging a meeting. After this, the messenger left as the party contemplated what to do. Upon leaving the Guild, the party immediately settled upon following the messenger, attempting to meander towards the location of Eshemi.   After following the messenger for a short while through the winding streets of Winkwarwick, Sensu believed that he saw Eshemi's hat amongst one of the crowds and began a hell-bent crusade to find it as David and Xelfy continued to follow the messenger. When Sensu continued to follow the sighting of Eshemi, he eventually lost sight of her but continued pursuit whilst the other party members located what was presumably the estate where the Sahar family was. Upon possibly entering illegally, David and Xelfy came face-to-face with a butler like figure who introduced himself as Harold, and politely explained that Eshemi would not be returning to the estate and, despite the general atitude of the other estate members, he happily directed the duo to Eshemi's likely residence, an inn room at the same inn that the party had just settled into. IT did not take long before the duo left to search for Sensu and rendevous at the inn. When they found Sensu, they explained to him what they had learned as the trio set off to the inn to find Eshemi.   Upon arriving, the party began to look through the crowd until they spotted Eshemi, beelining to her as she spoke to the innkeeper. Upon reaching her, Sensu attempted to get her attention by magically insulting her, alerting her to their prescence and almost upsetting her, but her mood lightened when she saw the party approaching. After the shellshock eased, the party very rapidly explained that they had been looking everywhere for her and of the various sightings, following which Eshemi confirmed the sightings and explained that she had been thrown out by her family, who had givern her a small fund to cover her travel and residence costs but that she was on her own now. Mid-way through the reunion, Red awoke from his drug-induced coma to discover the party and Eshemi downstairs, who caught him up on the situation before resuming their reunion discussion. After the party had finished talking, they agreed to take Eshemi to get some new equipment as she would be staying with the party for the foreseeable future, and returned to the blacksmith from earlier.   Upon arrival, the blacksmith greeted the party and directed them to the wares display, where they helped Eshemi peruse the goods before deciding to buy a shield, providing her with some more protection as well as giving her an off-hand tool. At the same time, Sensu and David set out in the search for a Forger's Kit and some tools, and both returned when they had their new equipment. Following the success of this, the party chose to return to a much less expensive inn to rest for the night and catch up on the rest of the chain of events. At this point, the session ended.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
Eshemi Sahar
Oliver Felixis
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
23 Sep 2023

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