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Session 7: Old Enemies, New Friends Report

General Summary

The seventh session, taking place on the 7th of October in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti) and Red (Erasmas). The session lasted from 19:27 British Time to 23:08 British Time.  
red is the journey from Winkwarwick, yellow is the return journey
  The session started at the much cheaper inn that Eshemi had brought the party to in the last session. This overall caused an almost negligible boost to the party mood to be paying 50% less.   After waking up just before the sun rose, Xelfy and David discussed the blacksmith and David's spear comission for a short while as they woke up Red and Sensu, distinctly less intoxicated and inebriated than the previous day. Before they set off to the Merchant's Guild, the party went to purchase food, only to discover free appetisers that were sufficient enough for breakfast. After seizing this opportunity to save money, the party made haste to the Merchant's Guild, travelling through the still dark city.   After arriving, the party discovered a group of lumberjacks already waiting to take them to the Lumber Camp. Seeing the lumberjacks already waiting, the party questioned the guildmaster, who explained that the lumberjacks had arrived early to wait for them. Satisfied with this explanation, the party waited for the lumberjacks to lead them to the camp, who began to travel at a very rapid pace that almost led to the party not being able to follow but they eventually caught up and arrived at the camp in the woods, a collective of tents and makeshift fortifications filled with groups of lumberjacks being assigned their sites.   After arriving, the party located one of the coordinators who assigned them to a large group of lumberjacks alongside a few parties of mercenaries who very quickly set out, travelling deep into the woods to begin working. It didn't take long for conflict to arise as the lumberjacks were very quickly attacked by the local elves, the chaos alerting the party who rushed to intervene, preventing a group of elves from slaughtering a small pocket of lumberjacks.   When the party engaged the elves, they chose to try speaking to them, using the local Elvish tongue to try hastily negotiating a ceasefire, which the elves agreed to, whether charmed or surprised by the party's use of their tongue was unclear. After a short conversation, the party gleamed that the elves have been working to deter the lumberjacks from spreading deeper into the forest, which they did anyway but with reinforcements and weapons.   Having questioned the elves and learnt more of the ongoing situation, the party proposed a diplomatic meeting between the elves and the lumberjacks which, after some back and forth, was agreed. Following this success, the party went to collect their pay from the lumberjacks and find someone with enough authority to handle the negotiations whilst Red stayed behind to watch for anyone seeking to tamper with the negotiations or attack the elves.   After a short while, a representative of the Sahar Family arrived to handle the negotiations, a shrewd albeit pitiful man that came unarmed. As the negotiations commenced, Red saw a small group bumbling through the forest and alerted the others, who informed the elves as everyone drew their weapons and prepared for the assault. Finally arriving to find themselves outnumbered, Safaah and a small group of armed individuals interrupted the negotiations but were hastily dispatched by the group, who explained the situation and detained Safaah and the only surviving assailant. After ensuring the negotiations finished smoothly, the party prepared to leave as one of the elves, who Sensu had spent an incredibly amount of time trying to seduce one of the elven guards with a statistical inability to fail (That's bards for you) and had succeeded, followed the party and explained her name is Holly.   When the party arrived at the city, they made their way to the Merchant's Guild, ready to turn Safaah and the assailant over to the guildmaster. When the party arrived, however, they found the guildmaster unnerved as he explained someone had come to see the party and their prisoners. As it turns out, this person claimed to be an investigator working for the Salamese Intelligence Department and had been investigating an organisation known as the Syndicate, who had a link to Safaah and his footmen. Although the party could see there was something else going on and did not trust this individual, they were unwilling to call their bluff about their rank and so handed over Safaah and the assailant to avoid potential repercussions.   Although discontent about the incident, the party made their way to David's blacksmith, to discover that David's spear is complete, a surprisingly masterwork of a weapon engraved and made to be sturdy, visually appealing and dangerous. Now a bit happier, the group returned to their inn to settle down for the night, paying for their rooms before going to sleep with the elf still following them.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
07 Oct 2023

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