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Session 8: Big Monsters, Bigger Problems Report

General Summary

The eighth session, taking place on the 21st of October in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti), Eshemi (Yusa) and Red (Erasmas). The session lasted from 19:23 British Time to 22:48 British Time.  
red is the journey from Winkwarwick, yellow is the return journey
  The session once again began in the same inn that the party had taken residence at recently, where the party awoke to find the area much busier than usual due to an influx of travellers who, after some questioning, seemed to have come for a travelling carnival that is supposed to be arriving at Winkwarwick at some point in the future. Not at liberty to linger, the party made their way to the Merchant's Guild to inquire about a task they had accepted but inevitably lost all record of from the Guildmaster.   Upon arriving, the party found the Guildmaster in a much more jovial mood as news of the coming carnival has spread. After a short talk, the Guildmaster filled the party in on who they need to meet with to begin their task and sent them on their way, directing them to see Estel, one of the elves in Hertbury who is acting as the contractor. Satisfied with their knowledge of the plan, the party went out in search of a horse trader to rent some horses on and hopefully not lose them, a situation that has never occured at all in the past.   After a short time of asking people and exploring the Trade District, the party eventually went to a highly reputed horse merchant who very quickly deterred them with the incredibly high renting fee. Somewhat demotivated, the already travel-weary party prepared for their long journey and set off from Winkwarwick, travelling by foot on the road to Hertbury.   After a long journey West, the party eventually arrived at the town of Hertbury, a surprisingly homely settlement populated by elves. Intent on leaving a good impression and hastening their pursuit of Estel, the party attempted to use the language of the forest elves, which backfired when they found the locals only spoke Salamese or Verloren. Fortunately, the party were able to learn where Estel was anyway as they all spoke Salamese and Eshemi was able to understand Verloren. Having learnt Estel is at the Townmaster's Hall, the party entered the building to begin their work.   Although the party had to look through the crowd for a short while, they eventually met Estel, who explained that two Saim had been terrorising the locals who lacked the manpower and weaponry to hunt the beasts. Estel also explained that the party would be paid 40gp per proveable creature kill and 5gp hazard pay each, and that there would be a lookout to inform the party of the creatures' whereabouts and potential weaknesses. Happy that they understand the mission and are prepared, the party headed out to the last known location of the beasts, a ruins site deep in the forest.   Upon arriving, the party found the ruins quiet and empty, but when Red entered them he immediately came face to face with one of the beasts, which seemed to have naturally impaired and partially-blind vision, rapidly emphasised by his sudden casting of invisibility after accidentally alerting the creature, narrowly avoiding attack. Shortly following this, the party began their somewhat chaotic, almost deadly but effective assault, succesfully killing the two beasts and almost getting horribly murdered in the process.   Shortly after their success, Sensu found a mauled body amidst the ruins, seemingly a half-elf that had been killed and partly eaten by the beasts before the party arrived. After the party immediately began to pillage the body, they found a journal documenting the movements of the beasts that revealed the dead person to have been the lookout that was supposed to meet with the party to assist them. After a short deliberation, the party elected to bring the body with them back to the town rather than leaving it for the wilderness and, after harvesting proof and some trophies from the beasts, the party travelled back to Hertbury to collect their payment and return the body.   Upon arriving at the town, the party delivered the body to Estel and explained the situation, who verified the kills, delivered the payment then began to take the body to the family, leaving the party to make the journey to Winkwarwick and hopefully to a comfy bed and a proper rest. After finally returning to the city, the party discussed the carnival and, before they went to investigate, they secured inn rooms for later on and prepared to have some time off.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
Eshemi Sahar
Oliver Felixis
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
15 Oct 2023

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