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Session 9: The Carnival Comes to Town Report

General Summary

The sixth session, taking place on the 28th of October in 2023, involved the characters of Sensu (BloodMarry), David (Bisharp), Xelfy Zippletopple (Yeti) and Red (Erasmas). The session lasted from 19:03 British Time to 23:01 British Time.   The session began outside of the inn where the party had bought rooms during the last session, prepared to investigate the coming carnival. In an attempt to work out where the carnival would be, Red engaged in his trademark heat-seeking interrogation strategy and learned that the carnival had begun setting up camp to the East of the city. After a short discussion, the party decided to head to the carnival before seeking new work, and so they left the city and began following the road.   After a short walk, the party arrived at the partly set up camp where the carnival was shipping their equipment and goods to, a small site but it was busy with activity and had a few stalls set up for the party to peruse. Whilst Sensu went to find the fastest way to get shit-faced and possibly buy some highly illegal goods, Red, David and Xelfy entered one of the trinket tents in search of anything to do with Red's Clan. Upon entering, however, the party immediately found red Dragonkin scales and fangs for sale, distinctively unnerving Red. After a short discussion with the seller, the trio discovered that the fangs and scales had been acquired from a mercenary group currently in the carnival, whom Red had a sudden interest to speak with.   When they approached the mercenary group, they found it to be a small detatchment with the leader of the organisation heading it. After a short, struggled conversation, the party managed to learn that the Hammers of Raul who they were speaking with were not responsible for the slaughtering of Red's Clan and had instead gained their collection of scales and teeth from fighting scouting parties of red Dragonkin from Red's Clan and some yelllow Dragonkin that had begun appearing in the mountains. Perplexed by the prescence of yellow Dragonkin in the mountains his Clan inhabits, Red began to ponder on the possible cause as the party further gleamed that the Company of the Silver Dawn were the ones responsible for the frontline where Red's Clan resided. Satisfied with the information, the trio met up with Sensu who was partially drunk but had also managed to get his hands on a few potions that could potentially come in useful. Now reunited, the party decided it would be better to return to the city and seek work whilst the carnival finished setting up.   Upon returning to the city, the party visited the Merchant's Guild, where they found the guildmaster briefing the other group, led by Daiven, on an upcoming job. Seemingly expecting them, the guildmaster greeted the party and hastily beckoned them into the meeting and explained that this job would be a recruitment mission, where the other group would prove their skills on a significantly more difficult job to be formally hired by the guild. Interested in securing the party's allegiance and support, the guildmaster explained that due to the size of the task he could fit the party in to make them full members of the guild. Immediately interested in the prospect of free horses, transport and lodgings from the guild when on duty as well as a significant paycheck from the job, the party happily agreed.   During the briefing, the party was informed that there had been a major spike in criminal activity along the main road from the north, forcing all travellers and merchants to postpone their journeys and either not set out or settle down along the road to defend themselves. The guildmaster also explained that the person who had taken Safaah into custody had been found beaten to death before he could deliver Safaah to the authorities, and that the killing was believed to be linked. Furthermore, the guildmaster explained that the guild was aware that the criminal activity was being perpetrated by a single, large organisation that had enough manpower and resources to warrant sending a large reinforcement unit to the city to secure the roads whilst the two parties hunted down the perpetrators. The guildmaster also warned the party that the job would be incredibly dangerous, and that caution needed to be taken otherwise loss of life would be a likely consequence. Sure of the plan, the party bid farewell for the night and returned to the inn for the night.   Upon arriving at the now mostly empty inn, the party found themselves alone with an individual in the room who was watching them closely, trying to draw their attention. Holding caution close, the party sent Sensu ahead to speak with the person, which proved to be the right course of action as Sensu was told by the person that their employers were willing to pay 250gp, matching the fee of the new job, if the party simply turned it down and walked away. After lightly pressing for more information, Sensu learned that the supposed reason for this was to get the party out of the way and make eliminating the others easier. After further questioning, Sensu also learnt that this person was Eddie, the Half-Shale Goblin who was acting as Quartermaster-de-facto whilst the other members of the carnival were stuck in transit. Having learnt all of this, Sensu told Eddie that he would need to speak to the others and deliberate before making a decision. This was, in fact, complete bullshit as Sensu returned to the party and began planning an abduction scheme.   Now that the party had agreed on a course of action, Sensu once again was sent alone to speak with Eddie, and offered him a bottle of Mork's moonshine whilst making small talk. It did not take long before Eddie, a complete lightweight, passed out due to the anti-septic levels of alcohol within the drink. Now unconscious, the party first confirmed what the inn would do with an unconscious person before hastily hauling him off to the Merchant's Guild. Upon arriving with the limp goblin, the party hastily explained the situation, offered bribe and prepared ambush to the guildmaster who deliberated momentarily before agreeing to take him into custody to pry as much information as possible from Eddie. Satisfied that the situation would be resolved, the party once again returned to the inn to get some rest before the job.
World of Maqbara Campaign
Xelfy Zippletopple
Neutral Good Forest Gnome (Hermit)
Sorcerer 7
51 / 51 HP
Eshemi Sahar
Oliver Felixis
David Friedrich
None Variant Human (Exiled Solider)
Paladin 3
28 / 28 HP
Chaotic Evil Variant Tiefling (Charlatan)
Bard 9
66 / 66 HP
Report Date
03 Nov 2023

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