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Unified Theory of Magic

The Unified Theory of Magic is a hypothesis first proposed by the wizard Uldurik the Yellow in the year 789 AF. It was a joint effort between the research of many magic-users across the lands, with scholars from both Therrezia and the Isle of Laheria weighing in and helping to refine the research. The theory states that on a foundational level, there are three types of magic: Arcane, Divine, and Natural:  
  • Arcane magic is drawn from the raw source of magic, commonly referred to as The Weave
  • Divine magic is granted by beings of high magical power, be it a powerful mage, a deity of sorts, or a supernatural being
  • Natural magic is found throughout the world of The Material Plane, and exists in things found there
When a spellcaster is using their powers, they will access one of these sources to call forth their spell. How exactly this is done varies from culture to culture and even on an individual basis. Two spellcasters taught in the same manor may employ different techniques to tap in to the magical energy needed to manipulate the world around them.  


  Many scholars have tried to refine the Unified Theory over the years, and many have claimed it to be completely false, favouring their own. However, it is widely accepted as the most accurate. Despite this, many critique its simplicity. Most competing theories break down the three main branches of magical power in to smaller categories, with different elements, types of Divine beings and materials all being argued as unique sources.   Where these more complex theories tend to break down is when explaining naturally found magic. Magic can be found in the world without extensive training or knowledge of magic, such as in the many magical wild plant and creatures that exist, and even specific locations in the world of Varda that expel magical energies in varying ways. The Unified Theory eloquently explains this by using one of its categories. The creature may have an affinity in to tapping in to the Weave, or perhaps it was create or favoured by a Divine being. The category of Natural magic, which goes on to elaborate that all things have a hint of magical potential in them, can even explain the existence of such creatures.   The shortcomings of the Unified Theory is also its strength. With such vague and broad categories, it is hard to specify how certain magical effects and spells draw the magic in to the Material Plane. The prospect of Divine beings granting magic has always been a hotly debated topic, with no hard evidence of Gods or Goddesses existing throughout several cultures of Varda, despite the many religions that exist. To think that such beings would deem a particular individual worthy of power in such a way seems preposterous to many.


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