Erade Character in The World of Votum | World Anvil

Erade (Air-uh-day)

The Archivist

In his studies he has brushed against a being he has called a "Celestial" which are beings he believes to be the source of "Pure Magic".

The Pendulum Swings

Erade grew up in the small town of Presonde, Sornogon. With a hunger for understanding he travelled to Tramesus, the Capital of Sornogon, where he attended "Academiae Maioris Scientiae" an Academy dedicated to the betterment of oneself through Education. Finding the Academiae's study of ancient history lacking he moved to Kelterngen, Leigland and enrolled at the "Akademie des Suchers" which specializes in researching the ancient world.
While on an Akademie funded expedition in the cold and mountainious Sriblo region, Erade discovered some surpringly well preserved artifacts: a silvery circlet, a pocket watch, and a strangely blank tome except for the first page which appeared to be some kind of contract written in a much older version of the Sriblo (Gnomish) language.
After several weeks of translation efforts he discovered that the tome was some kind of manual for something called Mayatnyk or "The Pendulum". The first page was some kind of contract that asked for the signer to follow several virtues which Erade, through many long nights, was able to translate roughly to modern Sriblo as:
  • Обійми маятник і врівноважи терези. Удосконалюйтеся через знання та розуміння.
  • Насолода піснею і сміхом, красою і мистецтвом. Бо це Абсолютний Баланс, і він наповнить ваше серце, щоб ви могли поширити його у Світ.
  • Там, де у світі є краса, любов і сміх, вони чинять опір тому, що хоче їх проковтнути. Це ґрунт, з якого процвітає життя, чиніть опір силам, які зробили б його безплідним.
  • Дійте з милосердям, добротою та прощенням, бо це дощ у ґрунті світу, який допомагає йому процвітати. Жадібність, егоїзм і мстивість отруюють світ і приносять лише відчай.
Not speaking Sriblo, Erade was able to roughly translate these tenents to the common tongue as:
  • Embrace the Pendulum and balance the Scales. Improve through knowledge and understanding.
  • Enjoying song and laughter, beauty and art. For this is Absolute Balance, and it will fill your heart so that you can spread it to the World.
  • Where there is beauty, love and laughter in the world, they resist what wants to swallow them. It is the soil from which life flourishes, resist the forces that would make it barren.
  • Act with mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, for it is the rain in the soil of the world that helps it flourish. Greed, selfishness, and vindictiveness poison the world and bring only despair.
These tenets did not seem to be actively against any specific force with a primary focus on enlightment, understanding, and an appreciation for things. The promised reward for signing being a revelation of Mayatnyk's knowledge and assistance.
Erade had no way of knowing for sure this was the exact wording on the contract as a lot of the words and phrases didn't make much sense.
Upon signing the contract it glowed with a golden light as the pocket watch sprang to life it's ticking seeming to fill the room with a deafening ticking noise. The contract faded into nothing as the rest of the book was replaced with strange arthimatic, lexicons, and maps.

Mental characteristics


Was educated in his home town of Presonde, Sornogon before getting further higher education in the capital Tramesus, Sornogon before finally specializing in Archeology at the University in Kelterngen, Leigland.
Date of Birth
11th of Tasogare Josho, 392 YE
Year of Birth
392 YE 37 Years old
Wine Red Frills
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Scales
6' 5"
262 lb



3 Level (0/2700 XP for level-up) Archaeologist Background Chromatic Dragonborn Race / Species / Heritage Neutral Evil Alignment
Level 3
Hit Dice: 3/3
1d8+2 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
-1 Strength
+0 Dexterity
+2 Constitution
+2 Intelligence
+3 Wisdom
+5 Charisma
saving throws
+0 Acrobatics DEX
+1 Animal Handling WIS
+2 Arcana INT
-1 Athletics STR
+5 Deception CHA
+4 History INT
+1 Insight WIS
+3 Intimidation CHA
+4 Investigation INT
+1 Medicine WIS
+2 Nature INT
+1 Perception WIS
+3 Performance CHA
+3 Persuasion CHA
+2 Religion INT
+0 Sleight of Hand DEX
+0 Stealth DEX
+3 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Dagger +0 DEX 1d4 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown
Dagger +0 DEX 1d4 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown
Spear -1 STR 1d6-1 Piercing
 Thrown, Versatile
Crossbow, light -1 STR 1d8-1 Piercing
 Ammunition, Loading, Range, Two-Handed
Leather, Dagger, Dagger, Spear, Crossbow light, Crossbow Bolts, Backpack, Ball Bearings (bag of 1000), Chalk (1 piece), Clothes Traveler's, Component Pouch, Lantern Bullseye, Pick Miner's, Pole (10-foot), Rope Hempen (50 feet), Shovel, Tent Two-Person, Basic Fishing Equipment, Soap, Torch, Torch, Torch, Crowbar, Hammer, Piton, Rations (1 day), Rope Hempen (50 feet), Tinderbox, Torch, Waterskin

Equipment Copper: 3, Silver: 7, Electrum: 0, Gold: 223, Platinum: 0 Money
Common, Draconic, Celestial

Languages & Proficiencies
Information is the highest virtue and greatest power Anyone I can't outsmart, I can out wit

All magic comes from the same source, I intend to find that source

Unplaced faith in his own abilities


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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