Midori Ethnicity in The World of Votum | World Anvil

Midori (Mid-or-ee)

The Midori culture is one based on contemplation. Contemplation on how one should approach the world. On one side you have the Lightbringers who approach every stranger with open arms and an opportunity to share one's experience. On the other side you have the Nightwalkers who approach every stranger with suspicion and a ready hand on their blade.

Midori culture is one of extremes and celebrations of those extremes. As such one Midori city may vary wildly depending on which aspect of their culture they align with. Both paths have their own upsides and downs.

Those raised in Lightbringers cities can find the social expectations exhausting. Having to check in on every person you're connected to, constantly having to juggle various social obligations.

Those raised in Nightwalker cities can find the experience isolating if you do not have close familial or social ties. If you are lucky enough to have a small group of friends or family it can be no less intense as the Lightbringers just simply focused into much few people.
Primary Species
Secondary Species
Lush Forests