The Path of Change Organization in The World of Votum | World Anvil

The Path of Change

Whispered among both the followers of Oyonotoku & Mihonoshi are tales of Akta that both religions actively work to cut down. These tales say that Oyonotoku & Mihonoshi once held a passion for one another and from this passion an abomination was born. A sea of blood threatened to overtake both Heaven & Earth before the two were able to calm the raging sea to an infinite slumber. Some say that this is what caused Oyonotoku & Mihonoshi to split so strongly. That Oyonotoku's warnings are that the Fires of Knowledge will one day wake the Sleeping Mariner. Rumors even still that some of Akta's waters learned to take form and were cursed to walk between people never truly belonging and destined to carry out the Mariner's Dreams.

The Path of Change is but a whisper in Kima. Little is known about it's followers or even what they stand for. Most claim these zealots simply want to watch the world burn while others claim the cultists believe the world to be tainted and must be cleansed and reborn free of sin with the worthy being reborn in Akta's image.

In Ciryamo Axan
(The Mariner's Justice)

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