King Wudhall Sacury IV Character in The World of Votum | World Anvil

King Wudhall Sacury IV (Wud-hall Sac-ur-ee)

King of Shonesone (a.k.a. The Tempest)

The current ruler of the Kingdom of Shonesone. Victor of the Failed Shonesonian Separatist Uprising 30 years ago and drove the surviving rebels into the cold wastes to the North West. Broker of the current treaty with the small countries that the Long Road runs through within the Chatham region ensuring the safety of the hundreds of Wachesian Pilgrims that make the long journey to Braple through unwelcome Avefist territory.   Many of the Shonesonian Barons credit Wudhall's ingenuity in defeating the Rebellion by forming the "King's Guard." The original purpose of this Organization to identify individuals of extraordinary talent and recruit them for service of King. While some nobility grumbled at the idea of paying powerful mercenaries to fight their War for them, few were in a position to argue once those same mercenaries saved them from the noose and knives of the rebels.   The current King's Guard resembles very little of the original organization. Once the threat of rebellion was quenched, the organization has created a sounder structure of operation attending to various needs throughout the Kingdom that befit the expeditious travel of small bands of talented individuals.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gold Scales
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations