Shonesone Organization in The World of Votum | World Anvil

Shonesone (Shown-so-neh)

Shonesone is a melting pot of cultures and ideals. It's people proud of the fact they are the end of the Long Road. A place where people collect from across all of Votum. One can find a healthy mix of many cultures.   Shonesone's history is a bloody one. Conflicts between the ruling Dragonborn with the orcs who claim equal rights to the land as their scaley countrymen. Border conflicts with the Land of Giants to the West on the far side of Mount Midnora. Open warfare with the upstart country of Men breaking from their long-lived empire.   Most recently, there was a bloody civil war that overtook much of the country 30 years ago. A charismatic Orcish leader made claims that Shonesone was originally a great Republic found by a variety of refugees. That the first king of Sacury violently overthrew this republic. The truth of this claims is much disputed but rallied much support in the common folk. It was not looking promising for the Monarchy until King Wudhall Sacury IV took over for his mother after she passed in a conflict early in the war. He made waves by elevating great warriors to defend the country promising them land and wealth. Forming the organization known as the King's Guard.   The conflict dragged on for many years and only broke when Orugul Dech, the charismatic orc leader of the rebels disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The rebellion dissolved without a central figure to rally behind and Shonesone was at peace once more.

Foreign Relations

Government System
Alternative Names
The End of the Long Road
Head of State
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Number of Cities
War Alert
Military Force