Utsvikia Organization in The World of Votum | World Anvil

Utsvikia (Oots-vik-e-ah)

The lands of the Utsvikian Horde are harsh and unforgiving. Sandwiched between Mount Newleigh to the West and Mount Midnora to the East. The country is harrowed by a cold wind and snow that descends from the high mountain tops into their snowy plains. A harsh life has raised hard people who have learned the art of survival.   Much of their neighbors harbor an ancient resentment as, for much of history these were wildlands full of barbarous tribes who raided for survival. However, generations ago, a great warrior emerged from the Thulkane tribe. Gauni "Allking" Thulakane brought her legendary strength down upon each tribal leader forcing them to take a knee in allegiance creating the regions first true horde and has remained strong since.   Unlike a lot of other countries, the Utsvikian cities are not uniform; each regional tribe can vary wildly in customs and beliefs. Some are kind and welcoming while others are harsh and cruel. There is still relative peace across the land as the tribal leaders have established various traditions to resolve conflict without leading to all out war or rebellion.   The current leader of the Horde is Inami "Raveneye" Thulakane. Empress Raveneye is well regarded within the country, even among the harsher tribes.

Foreign Relations

Government System
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Number of Cities
War Alert
Military Force