
Mountain halls

The city was built in a vast valley between two towering peaks and over time, it grew to fill the entire area between them. The dwarves were the first society to establish a permanent settlement in this very ancient city. They shaped even the mountains around the city with their hammers and pickaxes, until the very peaks were transformed into castles, making this city a true marvel.  


As a mountain settlement, there is only a narrow road leading to it, and the front wall is short, thick, and very tall, with a drawbridge. It is almost impossible to get in without the dwarves' permission. The roads that lead through this vast city are well-maintained and placed in a deliberate manner to lead people efficiently between its nine centres.  


This city has always been the seat of dwarven power, and therefore it has always housed the royal family. Over time, the royal family has updated their palace several times, leaving the old ones in place. As a result, this city has no less than six royal palaces, each one grander and more magnificent than the last.  


But the city's true depth lies beneath the surface. When the dwarves ran out of the surface area and mountain to turn into a city, they started to expand the city downwards. Underneath the city, there is a vast network of grand halls and tunnels, huge structures carved from rock, with giant pillars keeping the roof in place. The underground city is a testament to the dwarves' ingenuity and craftsmanship, a marvel that rivals the grandeur of the surface city.
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