
The Mountain Men.

The dwarves are the men of the mountains, yes they have farms, and everyone needs food, but where they truly shine is in their mining, craftsmanship, and trading. While dwarves are by far the least populous of the The Corporeals , and never really spread beyond their starting region, they are the ones who discovered the settled lifestyle first, they were the first to build fortresses, to process metals, even to cultivate edible grains. This has earned them a prestigious position on the world stage as a wealthy and strong people.  


Cordyan is a unitary monarchy, meaning they have a monarch, but they aren't really feudal. Their ruler is hereditary, but their country is really ruled by the government, of which the king is only the head. There are representatives from the merchant, bourgeoise, and priest classes, who all get a say in how things are done. They don't have provinces, instead, the entire nation is ruled as a single entity, with each city being an independent municipality. Farms are taxed independently by an overarching farmers' union, a part of the government that is responsible for all farming-related matters. The clergy plays an important role in the enforcement of laws, and the leaders of the merchant classes are largely in charge of infrastructure, while the king handles financial management, general administration, and foreign policy. There are a bunch of sub-branches and smaller parts of the government, each of which is an important part of keeping the country running.  


The Cordyan military consists of a large part of various types of heavy infantry, as well as a smaller cavalry. Because dwarves are short they have a disadvantage on the offence. Because of their strength and engineering skill, makes them masters of defense, and their cities have only been taken on the rarest of occasions.  


Unlike much of the rest of the world, the Cordyans are rather zealous, they follow a strict religious code about family values, courage, and loyalty, as well as adherence to the law. For more information, see The Sect of Athari
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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