
The Men of the Marshes

The khellan culture is simular to that of the dendorians, with the biggest difference being that of climate. While the dendorians live primarily in a cold forested environment, the khellans live in a warm, wet swampy marsh. Both however, a filled with danger, in the forms of environment, and dangerous murder beasts prowling about. They value strength, courage, and respect for others. The only virtue that is true to their hearts is the strength to protect ones family, and to bring food on the table. They believe this is something a husband owes to his wife, and the wife owes it to her husband to keep the house clean and organized. To fail in this duty is a great sign of weakness, which is considered very shameful. The nature of society requires all individuals to do their job, and to do it well, or risk starving to death.  


Because husbands spend most of their time hunting, and gathering resources, the wife is in charge of organizing things and maintaining relations with neighbors, and other families. They do all the trading and the social contacts, and this is also why the inter-tribe politics are often handled by the chieftain's wives, while they themselves are off on a hunt together.  

Coming of Age

Similar to the dendorians, the khellans practice a coming-of-age ritual when a child reaches the age of twelve, when they enter adulthood. However, the Khellans do it somewhat differently, instead of sending the young adults into the wilderness themselves, they are put together into a group, and sent into the marsh, to kill a great beast together. This is not a task any one person would be able to do by themselves, so it is important that they learn this skill of working together now, while they are still young.   This hunt includes tracking prey, stalking it, and killing it, and bringing it back home. This can take several days, and not all of the participants are expected to come back alive. The beast they have to kill is usually a hippo.   In smaller villages, they may delay the coming-of-age ritual for a few years, until there are enough twelve-year-old boys, in order to keep the odds decently fair.
Encompassed species


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