
Busy bees

The shortest living of all the corporeal races, they are the busiest, always running to get things done, they have spread themselves the furthest, and they have built the most, even if not the biggest or most impressive things, their accomplishments as a whole have spread the furthest throughout the world.  


There are three main ethnic groups, the Yenos, Yavin, and Dendorian ethnic groups, each has subgroups, and there are also the Aneira and the Khellan ethnicities, which are distinct.   Humans originate from the snow plains in the north of modern-day dendor, and from there they spread to many parts of the world. Therefore, dendorian is considered to be the closest to the original human culture, the other cultures and ethnicities just being descendants from them. This is also why the Khellan culture is in many ways very close to dendorian, rather than the much closer Yenoees, or Yavinians. This is because despite their migration to a new environment, their culture fitted quite well there, and thus didn't change all that much.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
60-80 years
Average Height
1.5-1.8 meters


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