Magical Abilities in The World of Yanu | World Anvil

Magical Abilities


  In addition to regular magic, there exist magical abilities that manifest independently. It is not necessary to possess a magical element to be born with a magical ability, and having a magical ability does not guarantee proficiency in regular magic. Though some magical abilities are more uncommon than others, they are all quite rare. Mage scholars speculate that it should be possible to have multiple magical abilities, but such an occurrence has never been documented.   These are the known magical abilities:  


This ability comes in two forms, a person might have one or both of them, or maybe one of them comes more naturally to them than the other. These two forms are as follows.
Telepathy is the ability to communicate with the minds of others. It has three main types of spells, although they are not necessarily limited by these. These are Listening, Sharing, and Invasion.   Listening allows the caster to tune in to the thoughts of others from a distance, although this is an easy and weak spell. If you're not careful, you might be noticed, and it is also not uncommon to receive false information from this method.   Sharing, on the other hand, allows you to share your thoughts with others and even set up mental links between multiple people over longer distances for easy communication. This requires great mana maintenance, though. Some telepaths use it to confuse and even incapacitate enemies by transmitting loud and high-pitched noises into their minds, but this is not a simple feat.   Invasion is the most advanced method of the three, it is the ability to enter another person's mind, which is a very difficult and dangerous method. It can easily backfire if the invaded person has a strong enough will or if the invader's ability proves to be lacking. This allows the invader to search for memories and even insert them. It can also be used to temporarily mind control an enemy, although this is extremely difficult.   Telekinesis
Telekinesis is simply the ability to move matter with your mind, it should however be noted, that the heavier the object, the more of a strain this will put on your mind, and it is possible to hurt yourself by accident if pushing too hard.  


The shapeshifter is a rare sight, because even if someone possesses this ability, it is unlikely they will tell you about it. The shapeshifting ability comes in many forms and each of these forms is unique and mutually exclusive.   Some shapeshifters have the ability to change their physical appearance slightly, to appear as a different person, it is still hard to appear as a specific already existing person tho, since these shapeshifters are still limited by their own body type, and they can only alter their skin and bone structure so much before it exhausts them, they will also always revert back to their original form after a while.   Others might have the ability to transform into an animal, usually, these types of shapeshifters only have one or two animal forms that they can take whenever they want for as long as they want. These animal forms will just be another version of them, and if they can turn into a dog, for example, they will turn into the same dog each time, with the same markings and the same coat.   There are also genetic forms of shape-shifting, these shape-shifters will inherit their ability from one or both of their parents, they will only have one alternate form, and it will be an animal usually of the same type as their parents, although it is also possible for them to have the form of a different but still simular animal. Although sadly these types of shapeshifter communities are quite elitist and might abandon a child that turns into the wrong form.  


The ability to see the past present and future. People with this ability are more commonly called seers. Their abilities may manifest in one or multiple of the three possible ways to see.   Prophesy, These are completely involuntary, a person will enter a trance and speak about the future, these prophesies are often true, but misleading.   Vision, A person, either in a trance, a regular daydream, in a shadow, or while staring into the flames, might see a glimpse of the past present or future. these types of visions may be long or short, but always they are mostly accurate.   Dream, During their slumber a seer might receive a most lucid dream, almost always from the perspective of another person. This dream might be of events that already happened, in this case, the dream might shed light on previously ambiguous knowledge of said events. It is also possible to dream of something that is currently happening, with such a dream, it is usually too late to act, as such dreams only trigger with dire events, but they might help to catch the perpetrators. When dreaming of the future, it is possible to dream from your own perspective, a skilled seer will learn to tell the difference.   With all information from the future, it is important to remember that the future is not predetermined, and therefore visions of the things yet to come, are rarely completely accurate and are often up for interpretation, and it is important to not act rashly with the revelation of dire visions.  


The ability to listen to the world, this an ability that allows for communication with the animals, and even the tree. Usually, a listener will only be able to speak to one of those two though. The ability to get animals to scout areas for you is most useful, but it isn't as simple as one might think, as animals do not speak the same as us, they communicate in feelings, emotions and instincts, they do not know words or language the way we do, Listeners who can speak to animals, learn this craft, and master it.   Listening to the trees is a completely different art because Trees don't talk, not to you anyway. They speak to each other, and they are exceptional gossips. They will tell each other of all that happens to them and this information will spread through the forest with the wind. Trees especially enjoy talking about rare sights, such as humans doing sneaky things, or orcs robbing elves. The ability of a listener is simply to eavesdrop on these conversations, not that the trees mind, they find it quite amusing actually.  

The Sixth Sense

The ability to sense death. It has a strong stench that gets worse as you get closer to it, it is so strong it can be detected from many kilometres away. Over time this stench lessens, but it takes a while for it to truly disappear.
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