

Everyone is born with a primary element, even if they will never know it, and everyone starts with a base amount of mana, over time, mana increases naturally, once the minimum amount of mana for the casting of spells has been reached, the individual will start to path to becoming a mage. In the beginning this increase is rapid, but it slows down over time, and even if it never really stops. If a person cant do magic by the time they turn twenty five, they likely never will.  


Regular magic works in three stages and uses magical elements. There are various elements, and in each stage, a new element is gained. The possible elements to be gained differ for each stage. Mages create spells using their available element(s) as a base and then give it form with intent and energy from their mana pool.   The First Stage: Birth.
In this stage, it is determined that one can do magic, and the first element is gained. The possible elements are water, earth, fire, air, light, and dark, unless one is both in a special magical state, such as a vampire, in which case there might be other available primary elements.   The Second Stage: Control.
When the mage gains full control over their abilities and has learned to push their power to the limits, they progress to the next stage. This can happen at various moments in a mage's life; the more skilled they are, the faster it happens. Progression is purely based on control over abilities and powers.   Mages have an inborn mana pool, their source of magical energy, which can be trained and increased with practice. However, what matters for this stage is the control over their mana and the efficiency of how they use it. When progressing to the second stage, a mage's base mana pool increases modestly, and they gain a second element.   The Third Stage: Transcendence.
There isn't much known about the third stage because most magicians never reach this far. It isn't known exactly how to get to this stage. Many magicians reach here accidentally and then formulate a method for others to follow, with varying rates of success. When a magician achieves transcendence, their mana pool increases substantially, and they gain a third element.   For more information, see Magical Ellements First Stage


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