The Black Hand

While the orcs generally fail to form larger nations, due to their large amounts of infighting, there is a large organization where orcs can seek greater fortunes. Ironically, it is run by Isich merchants.  


The orcs are by far the most skilled fighters in the world, one on one, orcs just have a clear advantage, they are stronger, and they have spent their whole lives fighting, however, they lack the organizational skills to form large functioning armies. This is where the black hand comes in, it is a mercenary organization divided into many companies, each company has a head, who is appointed by the company leaders, if you don't like your company head, you can just move to another company, no questions asked.  


The company was started by a small group of Isich merchants, who had traded with orcs for a while, and they figured, that they could employ orcs as a combat force for their own country, which was at war with Enyanin at the time, this was hundreds of years ago tho and the organization has expanded greatly since then, both in size and reputability. Their main client is still the Isich army, but they also sell their companies to any of the other nations, for the right price, although they favor human nations, such as Westingham, and Rendia.
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