
The Isich Plain

The Isich plain is the region of land that connects the east to the west, and south to the north. this small kingdom controls the meeting point of some of the busiest land trade routes in the world, and unfortunately, all they have preventing their larger neighbors from invading them, is one medium-sized river, which has helped them develop a cutthroat sense of politics and a bootlicking sense of sucking up to the throne of Westingham, to whom they currently pay a modest amount of yearly tribute.  


They have a king, who rules his kingdom by appointing visiers to tend to other cities, of which there are few, since most of the trade runs through their capital of Chisra, so that's also where most of the money is, and most of the people  


They have a strong navy, being a trade nation, and being on a major navigable river, and their land forces consist largely of cavalry, which is best due their being on a plain.
The are a tributary state of Westingham
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations


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