
The People of the Plains

Along the river Yavin, among the hills and grasses, live the Yavinians. They have since spread far from the river that gave them birth, but they are still unified by the memories of blood, which goes back much farther than memory of the mind. Most of the Yevinians live on the plains, while some few live in the forests, and there is even a patch of highlands where the Yavinians made a home for themselves. All of these subgroups have since developed their own culture, and their languages have diverged to a point where they are no longer intelligible to each other.  


The Yavinians, a grain-cultivating people, have a male-dominated society, where men rule, and women follow. This is less true in the countryside, but among the nobility, this custom goes deep, and usually, only men are eligible to inherit, and women are married off for political alliances. They put great emphasis on propriety, ceremony, and appearances, and it is considered a great sign of disrespect to neglect another's titles when addressing them.  


The largest of the three major branches of the Yavinian ethnic group are the Westerners. Their name has little to do with their position on the map, but more so with their location inside the kingdom of westingham. However, the people of the nation of Isich are so similar in culture that they are virtually indistinguishable. Nonetheless, they prefer to be considered separate. In fact, they are not the only ones, as there are multiple ethnic groups within westingham, such as the upper western culture in the east, close to the mountains, The northwestern, living on the border with westingham, central western, in the central plains, this is generally considered the "main" western culture, and lastly, there are the west western, more other referred to as the Makreighen, the people of the river's mouth.  


The Highlander cousins prefer their sheep over horses, who have trouble with this uneven terrain. They are much more culturally unified than the Westerners, which has contributed to their continued status as an independent nation.  


The Marnmen, the men of the woods. These are the people of the forested highland plateau to the west of the Yavinian plain. when first they arrived here it was largely inhabited by elves. Over the years, the Marnmen replaced these elves, but their influence can still be felt in Marnish culture.
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