
The Sand Men

Around the great yenoan desert, in the city-states based around the rivers flowing down the mountains, a new culture developed, completely distinct from the rest of the world. Isolated by geography, and shaped anew by their environment. These people developed as a desert people, trading with each other, and growing food in the most impossible of circumstances, and while all logic and reason would call it impossible to thrive in a place such as this, the Yenoees did so anyway.  


Due to their location, they have always had to work together to survive, to grow food, to trade with each other, so they have developed a culture where the group is always more important than the individual. Everyone has to do their part for the survival of the city, and neglecting your duties, either for petty of selfish reasons, or any other reasons for that matter, is considered greatly shameful.   It is also because of this that the Yenoees are very industrious. They work hard to produce and make things, and they are very good at coordinating these efforts for maximum efficiency. However, they are not the most mercentile of people, and most of what they make is traded in between city-states.   However, what is exported, is done so for a great price, because their unique and high-quality porcelain, and rare silks, are highly coveted by nobles from all over the world.  

Governmental History

They used to be a confederate rebulbic, but somewhere along the line they were forced to fully integrate their institutions for the sake of survival, and they have been ruled as a single entity ever since, every now and then there is a revolution that overthrows the current dynasty, but they always energy united and stronger than ever, just with a new dynasty.
Encompassed species


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