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Valonde Knights


The Valonde Knights are broken into 12 official knight orders, each of which is commanded by a knight with the rank of Knight Commander. Each of the 12 orders specializes in some sort of combat style or a certain type of mission. These orders operate independently of one another and carry out missions given out by the Warmaster General and the Knight Commanders.   Within the knight orders, the organizational structure is decided by the Knight Commander. Most of them choose a knight or two to name as Lieutenant or 2nd in command to help lead the order. Some orders separate their order into smaller teams led by veteran knights and have the teams operate independently unless otherwise directed.   All knights of Valonde are given ranks that indicate their skill or accomplishments. The ranks are as follows:
  • Knight Commander
  • Senior Knight 1st Rank
  • Senior Knight 2nd Rank
  • Senior Knight 3rd Rank
  • Knight 1st Rank
  • Knight 2nd Rank
  • Knight 3rd Rank
  • Junior Knight
  • Squire**
Knight ranks are decided by a group of veteran knights under the Warmaster General that track the accomplishments of all the knights.
Military Order
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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