House Rules

Character Creation and Level Up Rules

See the Character Creation page for specifics about the process of creating a new character. Some rules will be specific there and general here.


Warlocks can choose to be Intelligence based instead of Charisma based. This is untested and subject to change. Sorcerers can choose to be Constitution based instead of Charisma based. This is untested and subject to change.

Racial Attribute Gains

You can either swap the racial attributes between themselves or change one of the racial attributes to another attribute that isn't already receiving one. For example, if a race gives +2 DEX and +1 WIS, could choose to flip them (E.g. +2 WIS, +1 DEX) or you could choose to move either one of the gains to another attribute(E.g. +2 STR, +1 WIS). This rule can also be applied to negative attribute changes. For example, the original PHB Orc received a -2 to INT. This could be used as your one move to give -2 to a different attribute.

ASI and Feats

Characters will gain Feats when ever a class level gives an option for an ASI or Feat. Characters will gain a Feat at level 1. ASIs will be gained at character levels instead of class levels. They occur at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 & 19. If using D&D beyond, you will need to add these gains to your character sheet under the appropriate attribute's "Other Modifier" field. These methods result in high level characters having a lot of feats. If you find you don't like any of the available options, discuss homebrew feats with the DM.


At level 1, gain intelligence skill proficiencies or languages equal to the character's INT modifier with a minimum of zero and a maximum of two.

Generating Starting Arrays

There are 3 acceptable methods of stat array generation. The easiest method is to simply select from one of four standard arrays. You may always revert to using a standard array after attempting either rolling method.

Standard Arrays

  • Standard: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 10 / 8
  • Specialist: 17 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 11 / 8
  • Mad Man: 15 / 15 / 14 / 10 / 10 / 8
  • The Jack: 13 / 13 / 12 / 12 / 12 / 10

Fate Dice

Roll 6 dice. They can be any mix of d4, d6 and d8s. Each attribute starts at 12. Each die result will add to a single stat and subtract from a different stat. All six rolled die will be used as both a positive and negative modifier. If you want a random array, decide the stats each die will modify before rolling.  

Wild Dice

Start with a pool of 24d6. Roll them all. Starting with 8, add +1 for each occurance of die values based on the table below. You may select 1 value to be a wild card. The corresponding stat is fixed at 8; however, you may add the wild +1s to any stat, up to a value of 18. Alternatively, you may roll 30d6 and start each stat at 6.
Die Value Attribute

Table Rules

Active Rules

Advantage, Disadvantage and minor help/hinderances

Advantage and disadvantage will cancel eachother out 1:1. For example, two sources of advanatage and one source of disadvantage would result in the roll being made with advantage. Multiple sources of advantage or disadvantage could result in the roll being made with additional d6 modifiers. If multiple d6 modifiers are used, only the highest roll counts. Sometimes a help or hinderance isn't enough to generate advantage or disadvantage. The DM may decide add (or subtract) a static modifier or die roll with an appropriate value.


RAW limits a second spell cast on a turn to only cantrips. Ignore this rule. You can cast as many spells as you'd like on a turn as long as you have the action economy to do so.

Healing Potions

Healing potions can be drank carefully or quickly. A carefully drank potion grants full HP without a die roll; however, this requires an action. A quickly drank potion requires a bonus action and the die are rolled normally. A thief with the fast hands feature can drink a potion carefully with a bonus action.

Passive Rules


We will use the variant encumbrance rules. If you make a weak character, you will suffer with a low carry capacity.

Equipment, Items and other generic things

This isn't a list of magic or unique items. Instead, this is a list of generic items that exist in the game world beyond those found in RAW.


  • Katana: A 1d6 slashing weapon with Finesse and Versatile (1d8) features. Monks and Rogues are proficient.
  • Magic Item Crafting

    Magic items can be crafted in Theia. The process requires several ingredients. The time required, the gold cost and the final results are compeltely up the DM and will be determined on a case by case basis. Crafting magical items requires three main steps:
    1. A Primed Object
      • Creating an object that is primed for hosting magic requires a formula that is closely guarded by those with its knowledge
      • It requires a check depending on the number of rune slots, materials, etc.
    2. One or more Runes. These are typically found as treasure; however it is rumored that they can be crafted by only the most skilled artisans.
    3. One or more Spells. These spells should relate to the magic item's intended purpose. These can be casted by a caster or via scroll. If attempting to use mulitple spell effects, they need to be cast simultaneiously.


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