The Tabellarium

Leader: Shyael Gildenguard
Faction Alignment: Neutral
Motivation: Profits!
Goals: More Profits!
Methods: Transportation of goods and people
Allies: Keepers of the Weave
Rivals: Thieves Guild, Camonna Tong
HQ Location: Ardenfell
Organizational Structure: Tightly controlled from HQ. Local investors pay for the right to transport all goods passing through their market.
Description: Operates Lightning Highway, Postal Services, Teleportation Circles
Details:One of the longest running guilds in Theia, the Tabellarium operates the lightning highway, international postal services and teleporation circles. This faction, with the help of the Keepers of the Weave, created the magical technology powering the fast moving passenger and cargo haulers. The Tablellarium is responsible forpretty much any form of transportation moving faster than a horse. The major notable exception, much to the guild's chagrin, are the handful of private and military airships operating on Theia.   The Tabellarium operates via a network of independent franchisee offices paying for the privledge of moving goods through its marketed area. The guild faces considerable threats from lost goods at the hands of the Thieves Guildand Camonna Tong. Because of this, Tabellarium security personal aren't required to wear the guild's colors while securing the rail.
Corporation, Transportation


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