Keepers of the Weave

Leader: Arch Mage Rowan the Unwanted
Faction Alignment: N
Motivation: Advancement of Arcana
Goals: Complete understanding of the Weave
Methods: Experimentation, Study
Allies: The Tabellarium
Rivals: Knights of Libras, Camonna Tong
HQ Location: Ironhide
Organizational Structure: The Keepers offer universities in Ironhide, Ardenfell and Granitebrook. Students must show a basic connection to the weave to be enrolled and become initiates in the guild. Advancement occurs by showing a dedication to both the guild and the weave. Completing field assignments and mastering increasingly difficult spells are both required. Disassociated mages are banned from usage of the Keeper's resources and can be frequently be found offering services to less savory organizations.
Description: The prototypical Mages Guild, the Keepers study the weave in hopes of advancing magical knowledge. The guild prefers to keep tabs on known casters to prevent a reoccurance of several historical events where public use of magic became a liability.
Ranks: Initiate
High Conjurar/Evoker/Abjurer/Transmuter/Diviner/Enchanger/Illusioner/Nercomancer
High Mage - The title of High Mage requires the ardous task of reaching the previous title in multiple schools of magic.
Arch Mage - The leader of the guild, The Arch Mage, is elected from among the collection of High Mages. The position is typically held until death.
Guild, Mages

Keepers of the Weave provide the magic required to create and maintain teleportation circles operated by the Tabellarium.


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