Ganymedes Callahan Character in Theliecre | World Anvil
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Ganymedes Callahan

Ganymedes, more often called Medes, is a character in Map of the Woods. He is Étoile and Keda's uncle. His title, though unofficial, is The Ghost. Before his sickness, he would've been called The Guide.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Medes is regularly sick and low on energy due to his illness. Before his sickness, however, he was moderately athletic and had some muscle that he has since lost. Regardless, he is very lanky and willowy in appearance.

Body Features

Medes' hands are burnt with fire symbols engraved in the palms. He often wears gloves or bandages in order to hide this.

Special abilities

Medes' magic abilities and symbols are centered around heat manipulation. He is best at starting small fires, warming up objects, and the like--tending to be on the warmer side of the scale. It is likely that his illness was triggered by overexertion, such as powering a fire for too long, summoning a large one, or attempting a symbol he wasn't ready for. Heat manipulation often draws heat from the user to some extent. This could also have played into the overexertion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Medes is the younger brother of Étoile and Keda's father, Jacob Callahan. He was described as a very angry and highly anxious child, but has since mellowed out. Medes has a tendency to push people away that carried over from his childhood.   Due to family drama, Medes lived by himself, even without equivalent, for quite some time. He worked as a hiking guide among other jobs, and took care of his nieces when their parents died.  
When Medes was about 22, his illness was triggered by him overusing his magic abilities, steadily becoming worse over the years. Eventually unable to work or care for his nieces because of it, Medes gave Keda and Étoile up to Nishiki and Akari Hamamura and had to reside at Nueven Medical Center to receive care.
Due to there being no known cure to energy sickness, Medes has a rather solemn outlook on the rest of his life. He remains lighthearted when he can, but he understands he doesn't have long left to live. Medes hides the severity of his illness around his nieces and takes their mental health very seriously.   MAJOR SPOILERS
When Medes dies of his illness, he becomes a ghost and reunites with his therapy dog, Daffodil. Before his nieces realize he has died, Medes takes them on a hike through the woods. 


Medes had trouble getting a consistent job, but doesn't mind this fact much. He doesn't want to be pinned down with an office job, and really enjoyed his hiking guide job when he had it.


Contacts & Relations

Medes is somewhat close friends with Nishiki and Akari Hamamura, as they care for his nieces. Nishiki and Akari are a bit alarmed by Medes' occasional morbidity and offer him a place to stay, should he ever need it. Medes appreciates their kindness, and enjoys playing card games and cleaning up with them.   Seyan is another one of Medes' friends, as is Alli Hamamura. Alli and Medes were closer when they were younger, to the point of a romantic relationship. Though the two are no longer together, they still respect each other and enjoy their time together.   Medes also had a therapy dog, Daffodil, before her death. When he sees her as a ghost, he enjoys playing with her, rather than using her like a therapy dog.
Current Status
Resting in Nueven Medical Center
Current Location
In his mid to late 20s.
Circumstances of Death
Medes eventually dies of his illness, sometime in autumn.
Current Residence
Very long and pale.

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