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The Green Tide Cometh

Military action


Orcs launch a worldwide invasion

Powerful undead began to rise all over the planes. At first they appeared to be a major threat until it was discovered that these undead were in fact the ghosts of the gods that the Demon Lord had slain. Through the work of many loyal followers, Gruumsh was brought back to life and returned to his position as the Orc deity. With their divine backing, the Orcs launched an enormous invasion force concentrating mostly on the world’s larger continent, but hitting every landmass at least a little bit. When the orcs were pushed out of their lands, the other races launched their own crusades to the main continent under a pretense to help the humans there. The resulting war saw chaos and strife in abundance as alliances formed and fell and each race ended up carving out some of the land for themselves taking much of the human's domain, in the aftermath most of humanity had finally advanced to the iron age.

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