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Theopetros Timeline

The Last World

Before Time

What came before

  • Before Time
    The world before
    Era beginning/end

    the previous world before the formation of the void.

    Additional timelines


Unknown date

Events lost in the shadow of time

  • Unknown Date
    The Perfect Ones
    Era beginning/end

    The Prime elements emerge from the chaos of the void as some of the first beings in existence. With the powers of creation, they set about building a world unto themselves, each claiming their realm.

  • Unknown Date
    Perfection shattered
    Era beginning/end

    Jealousy emerges among the Prime elements as each watches the creations of the other grow and prosper in the world they have created. this jealousy eventually leads to the Primordial war.

    Additional timelines
  • Unknown Date
    The Ancient One
    Era beginning/end

    The birth of the All High

  • Unknown Date
    The Elder Ones
    Construction beginning/end

    To assist him in his work, the All High created the first gods.

Early History

From the Divine War to the Seal

the time before the seal

  • 846 years before the seal
    The Divine War
    Military action

    The peace of the gods breaks out into war

  • 748 years before the seal
    The birth of Evil
    Life, Birth

    The Demon Lord is born

  • 491 years before the seal
    The Deific Exodus
    Life, Relocation

    The gods leave the plane in the wake of war.

The Seal

1 S.E. to 2987 S.E.

The reign of the Demon Lord

  • 0


    The creation of the Seal
    Era beginning/end

    The Demon Lord begins his reign

  • 1740


    Military action

    Arun and Tork awaken

  • 1745

    Fall Back
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Arun and Tork are defeated

  • 2986

    The Heroes Rise
    Military action

    A group of heroes rises to challenge the Demon Lord

  • 2987


    The War of Freedom
    Era beginning/end

    The free armies clash with the Demon Lord

Free Era

1 F.E. to Present

The world after the Demon Lord

  • 25

    The New Pantheon begins
    Celestial / Cosmic

    the first of the new gods arises

  • 27

    The birth of Law
    Celestial / Cosmic

    the tribunal is formed

  • 153

    The War of the Stones
    Military action

    forces vie for the power of godhood

  • 210

    Evil reborn
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Demon Lord returns

  • 250

    The Green Tide Cometh
    Military action

    Orcs launch a worldwide invasion

  • 423

    The elves enter the shadow
    Cultural event

    The shadow elves are born

  • 554

    A powerful tome
    Disaster / Destruction

    An undead army rises backed by the ghost of a god

  • 576

    Man's Empire

    A nation rises to challenge the orcs

    Additional timelines
  • 876

    Yeisair reigns

    The empire crumbles

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  • 890

    Education Rules
    Life, Education

    The university of Feirtyre is founded. Small at first, it grows rapidly and gains a reputation for excellence.

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  • 990

    Distinguished Alumni
    Life, Education

    For its centennial, the University of Feirtyre begins awarding distinguished alumni each year. The first year sees Darius (Eventually king Darius I), and Balthazar Avilius recognized.

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  • 1007

    What dreams may come
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A rift to the void opened in the realm of dreams.

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  • 1017

    Foes become friends in the face of treason
    Political event

    Baron Harken plots treason

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