
The Golden Hound (a.k.a. Aura Wolf, Aura-Eater)

The heavenly hound who holds sway over mankind. Protector and creator. The sun in the skies who warms Thera.

Divine Domains

  • Man

Holy Books & Codes

The book of Aurinines faith is known as the Print. Which has a paw on the cover. The cheapest books will be made with old leather and print will be burned onto the cover. The higher classes will have silk covering with golden died stitching on the paw print.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A paw print with a golden outline is the most used symbol.
  • A very ancient symbol of his is a clear hound, when it is hit by a light source it shows all the colors of a rainbow.

Tenets of Faith

The 9 Auras
  1. It is my Aura that birthed you, I shed you from ways unworthy and delivered unto you perfection. Shower me in praise and i shall bathe you in my glory. Praise no other or you'll be blinded in the heart of the jungle, ignorant to the taste of poison, deaf to the roving of stampedes, and muted deep inside of caves where none could hear you.
  2. My ordinations are law above all others. Let not your will falter or my collars will be upon you.
  3. The holdings of thy neighbor rightfully held are theirs and theirs alone. Coveting what is theirs will bring my wrath upon you.
  4. Judgement is mine alone. Harming my followers without my permission shall be your end.
  5. Those who wield my name to promote falsehoods will have their tongues turned into snakes. And their own venomous words will swallow them whole.
  6. Respect your elders. For their time to be welcomed into my realm is near. And i will know all who transgress against them.
  7. Do no harm to children. For they will grow to carry my word into foreign hearts.
  8. In times of war, prisoners must be given a chance to embrace me.
  9. Love for your hounds is love for me. Their bite is my protection, their fur is my warmth, their growl is my warning. Through them i remain at your side. Heed my calls and all will be well. For I am Aurinine the Golden Hound. I brighten the darkness and embolden the fearful. And I am here.


  • The 28th of Last Ember is Bridgenight. When Aurinine is said to run across the stars creating a bridge of colorful light. It's common to create spectacles or to see the light better. There are feasts and cinnamon is burned to fill the air with a warming smell.
  • The 1st of Shiverbone is Auras Day. When men celebrate Aurinine. This is a day of prayer, worship and celebration. They start the day off at the church, followed with speeches and poems that lead into large celebrations.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To spread his auras to all of Thera.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aurinine tells his followers he has always existed. He was apart of the stars like all others. Until the stars coalesced, bright and true. Their glow grew until it matched the very sun itself. And when the light of the sun touched the brightness of the coalescence. The first howl of Aurinine filled the echo of the Universe. And he ran across the stars until he brightened every dark corners of space. But when he came upon Thera, he descended from the stars and he knew he would have it. The world was defenseless and the small gods who ruled were weak. He alongside the others came to ask to people of Thera to pray, and most of them rejected the gods. So the gods made their own followers, Men and Gnomes and Saytrs and Nymphs, Children and Beastmen. But some gods grew greedy and Aurinine had to cast them away from his creations. And he now sits on his throne sworn protector of men, guarding the souls of his followers until they can wrestle control of Thera from the others who would steal it from him.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Man, Man's Best Friend.
Long and Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Glowing Gold