The Shields of Pierre

The shield is the militia, the army, the guard force, peacekeepers, the eyes and ears in the shadows keeping a close watch on enemies domestic and foreign. To join the shield is to live a life of service to the people. You may not ever use your blade if you don't wish to. There are 6 levels of the shield-ring, but the public is only aware of 4 of them.

  1st Rung
  • Watchmen - The core of the shield, the heart closest to the people. The ones who patrol the streets, they settle disputes to small to be worth the guards attention. And report their suspicions to them, as they have no legal authority to apprehend anyone. Because of their role they aren't even required to wear their armor, they're given a crossbow but rarely use it, but no sword. This role is specifically for de-escalation, and those who fail to adhere to it never rise in the ranks, or just end their service.
2nd Rung
  • Guards - The shell that protects the immediate kingdom. They'll be taking down criminals and thieves, fighting bandits and protecting the king. Insurrections and rebellions will be handled by the guards. They patrol inside the city walls and the first ten miles in every direction outside the kingdom. When outside the walls they usually patrol in groups of at least 5 men. Their given a choice of light to heavy armor depending on their fighting preference. Their armor is usually a blank silver.
3rd Rung
  • Battalion - The host that protects the greater realm of No'Pierre. These are great numbers of military men who will hit the field first in the face of an incursion. Their usually on horses, and patrol everything past the guards jurisdiction. They have shields, spears and swords, their armor has a bit of flare to it.
4th Rung
  • Cavalry - The military abroad. These are the troops No'Pierre sends out to invade, or to procure new territory and are constantly moving to different areas. They'll only be recalled if their home is invaded by such numbers that overwhelm the first 3 rings of the shield. Their armor is bright and resembles a colorful tidal wave when they are in full charge.
5th Rung
  • The Faceless - The spies, assassins, and saboteurs of the kingdom. The serrated edge of the shield, while the other rungs are mostly for defense, this ring is meant to attack and cripple the enemy before they land a blow. They have almost broad authority to use whatever tactics they wish to complete their task.
6th Rung
  • The Belltower - Not a group, but a protocol to be activated by the Faceless in case of a multinational or world threat.

Public Agenda

To protect No'Peirre.

For country and king! The shield shall sing! To having no fear we let them swing, so all will hear when the shield shall ring!

Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
Shield Songs
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Economic System
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: shields of pierre