Beacon Settlement in Thera | World Anvil


The western capital of Dwarven lands, lying in Seersglade.


  1. Founder
  2. Navigator/Explorer
  3. 1st, 2nd Charter
  4. Sr, Jr Explorer
  5. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Pathfinder/Lookout
  6. Pilgrim
  7. Itinerant
The Founder is the leader of all Dwarves in the eastern half of Thera. The founder controls the movements of the expeditions. Whether they go to war, what information can be sold or traded for and who can they trade to.

The second in command are the Navigators and Explorers. The Navigators will handle the details of the overall operations in the field, making sure they knew where to go and what areas they are to specifically look at. Including making sure they have enough gear for the journey and setting up supply lines if they need it. The Explorers are the field experts, they will have their own crew and free will to go where they wish. They have proven their worth and have the founders trust to follow their instincts and head to destinations that might prove difficult for others. They have the same amount of authority as the Navigators.

Charters are the expedition leaders when they travel. They will make the decisions where to make camp and what to do from there. They direct everyone under them to forage, scout, observe, build, fight or leave.

Explorers are the fighters of the expedition. But only is they are given the order, they will traverse the area to see if they have any predatory animals or people. They'll catch the animals if they can but will try to avoid people if they seem hostile. If their camp is under attack they're the first defense.

The Pathfinders and Lookouts do the same thing but differently. Pathfinders follow tracks and study foreign animals and plants that they have found or have been brought back to them. They look for new information or items or magics that the expedition can use. Lookouts are the scouts, they'll be the first to leave the camp to check for any potential dangers. They'll look for caves, animals, ruins, magical anomalies, tribes or cities or towns. They'll then report to the explorers who then head out to secure anything they can find.

Pilgrims will follow the lead of the Charter. They serve as the assistant and help with menial task of the charter. They can learn more about how the expedition runs this way and can figure out which position they will be best at.

Itinerants are the newest additions to the expeditions and don't have the proper experience to leave the camp yet. They are regulated to camp upkeep and construction, cooking and ship maintenance. They check the weapons sharp and repair armor, they will craft arrows and bows if needed as well.

Industry & Trade

The dwarves trade for with information. They explore the parts of the world others cant or wont go to. They sell the the information they find that is approved by the Founder.


  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Art
  • Maps
  • Trinkets
  • Technology
  • Information


Beacon was founded as just another normal waypoint, but the advantages of the area proved too valuable to let go to waste. They kept building the city until it became huge enough to house thousands of dwarves. This became Beacon, the first major city of the Dwarves.
Alternative Name(s)
Beacon of the Brave, Sal Lionda.
Related Ethnicities
Owning Organization