Dwarves Ethnicity in Thera | World Anvil


The main city of the dwarves is the city of Beacon. Unofficially it’s called Beacon of the Brave. Officially it has another name that no one actually uses. The original dwarf expedition that stopped here named it Beacon, because it was the highest point they’d ever been on. From that point on they’d foresee all other undertakings from that spot. So, what started as an outpost grew into the main hub for dwarven supplies and information, and became a beacon for all other dwarven cities to aspire to. - Excerpt from Rounding the Circle and Beyond.

Naming Traditions

Family names

All dwarves are given titles which are legally apart of their name. If they choose they can pick another name to further distinguish themselves.


Major language groups and dialects

Culture and cultural heritage

Dwarves are a very curious folk that have capitalized on their nature. They're raised for life on the road constantly moving. Their standing in society comes from how successful they function while out on expeditions. They've been sailors and charters, cartographers and warriors for as long as they can remember. They've had to depend on each other at all times. So when the younger generation came about with this steam powered tech, the older generation wanted nothing to do with it. The younger generation sought to improve the expeditions with less dwarves and more machinery but this was quickly rejected. It's caused a generational schism amongst the dwarves.

Average technological level

  • Steel-working
  • Steam-powered

Common Dress code

Dwarves tend to dress in clothes that are easy to move in. Their wardrobe tends to be made up of light cloth, wool or leather.

Art & Architecture

Originally Beacon has been constructed in a sturdy, dependable fashion. Every building has the base look of a practical storehouse, but huge and immaculate. Everything is designed and functions to be in incredible order. But the younger generation has divided half of the city to function automatically, whizzing gears and smoke alongside horns and constant dings. Pipes are seen everywhere moving air to and fro. Metal arms outstretch to moves boxes to their destination and wagons move with no horses.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

All dwarves are born into the exploratory trade. They have first names but are given the title of Itinerant once they graduate. They may rank up once they join an expedition. Dwarves who do not follow in the footsteps of their kind usually remain at the rank of Itinerant forever in dwarven eyes. So any Dwarf who's left to live elsewhere is technically still a member of the expedition. Just not a dependable one.   The ranks are as follows:  
  1. Founder
  2. Navigator/Explorer
  3. 1st, 2nd Charter
  4. Sr, Jr Explorer
  5. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Pathfinder/Lookout
  6. Pilgrim
  7. Itinerant

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Dwarves gather dirt from everywhere they visit. Anytime they travel somewhere new they bring back at least 3 pouches of it. When they return home they pour it into a circular stand about two and a half feet high. Every baby is wrapped up in cloth after they're born, and the dirt is rubbed onto their feet up to their neck. This is a hopeful dwarven practice that will keep the baby safe, when they begin traveling on foreign land.

Common Taboos

  • Shyness. Dwarves need to be able to communicate effectively while they're in unknown territory. Shyness is a trait they do not tolerate because of the danger it can cause on foreign soil.
  • Declining a challenge.

Major organizations

The western capital of the Dwarves is called Kemam Fas or Seeker's Eye. They are known to be very different than the circle dwarves. Dwarves maintain outpost in multiple areas and frequently war with people that are hostile to their presence, even though dwarves aren't very hostile themselves. They hold outpost in:
  • Ambergrit
  • The Savage Lands
  • No'Pierre (converted into an embassy)
  • Crow's Eye
  • Thalanor (closed until further notice)
  • Incendion (closed until further notice)
  • Dacrain
  • Adentai
  • Thel Waria (closed until further notice)
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