Brenia Settlement in Thera | World Anvil


Brenia's only known for it's criminals. Lymeric and New Lymeric are the only successful areas. Brenia is very underdeveloped compared to other countries. The people of Brenia typically look favorably on Fronian culture.

Social Structure
  The ruling class of Brenia fell apart years ago. They were the wealthy of Brenia who felt they should rule just because they could. They wanted to emulate the Fronians and their way of life and it left the country eating itself alive. There are only a handful of cities left, the rest are straggling towns that people are deserting every day.
  Neighboring Countries
Falindor, Fronia


  • Horses


Brenia was founded by some Falindorians who wanted to have there own lands to rule, they were tired of owning small plots that couldn't earn them enough to live on. They moved to Brenia and started farming, it was all they knew. But the land just wasn't right. The soil wouldn't take the crops and they could barely produce anything that was fit to eat. But the horses loved it, and for some reason became much quicker than other horses. Beside that it was a struggle, and they resorted to fishing which they were much better at. But rulers they were not, and they wanted to live like Fronia. Their country didn't survive it, now it's mostly just a small amount of cities and towns trying to survive.
Inhabitant Demonym
Brenian, Straiter, Delindweller
Included Locations