Onasi Settlement in Thera | World Anvil


Ignore the nickname "City of Rags" this place is an oasis, a wonder and a traveller's delight.


Onasi is led by it's captain, who runs the city based on the charter that was written when the city was founded. The captain is chosen to enforce those laws to keep everyone safe and the city running.


The city has 1 defensive system besides the natural elements surrounding it. It's in a sandy desert where it is a difficult task just surviving to get there. So if you come there with hostile intent the Breath of Onasi will take you.

Industry & Trade

One of the most important jobs in Onasi is the seamstress, who repairs the city and designs new sections to sew together. The other is the flax farmer who makes the fabric needed to create such quantities of linen to keep the city alive.


Onasi was founded by sailors who crash landed on it's borders. With not enough wood around to repair it, they decided to venture further in. The journey was hard, with the heat needling their necks and sandstorms bearing down on them. The only thing that helped was the sail the crews were carrying around to give themselves shade. They walked until they found an oasis by a rock formation. They drunk until they couldn't anymore, fully rested but clueless where to go next. Knowing that if they left that could very well be the last water they ever drank, so they set up camp. They climbed up the rock and hung the sails over the camp, then ventured out. Learning of the other inhabitants in the desert, and studying the terrain helped them continue building their camp until they were self sufficient. Then people from other areas would just wander in. Lost or intentional, their numbers grew and they kept adding as much as they could to cover everyone. They used whatever material they could, adding cotton or lenin or leather, old shirts or pants, and it became a patchwork mess but it worked. And then with enough people under there roof they decided to make it permanent, and founded Onasi, the City of Rags.


Onasi was built with sheets of various materials held up by rocks or giant tentpoles. Buildings are stitched into the framework with ceilings only being built if its deemed necessary. Rooms can only be built higher up if there is an area in the rocks that are jutting out. They'll use that opportunity to stitch around it as if it's just a natural part of the city.


Onasi lies in a sandy desert near rock formations overlooking an oasis.

Natural Resources

  • Flax
Alternative Name(s)
City of Rags
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under