01. Inland Lothfaeralin - nature reclaims the city
02. Inland Lothfaeralin - from grandeur to rubble
03. Inland Lothfaeralin - towering edifices, forgotten
04. Inland Lothfaeralin - an empire crumbled in the mountains
05. Lothfaeralin - sinking to the sea
06. Lothfaeralin - ruined towers
07. Lothfaeralin - ruined bridges
08. Lothfaeralin - endless ruins
09. Lothfaeralin slums
10. Lothfaeralin under a red sky
11. Lothfaeralin - dust and decay
12. Lothfaeralin at stormy night
13. Ancient Lothfaeralin (inland) - verdant majesty
14. Ancient Lothfaeralin - incandescent with the arcane
15. Ancient Lothfaeralin - the indomitable empire
16. Ancient Lothfaeralin - the White Jewel of the Southern Coast
The ancient ruins of what was once the most powerful and most cruel empire on Thera Pægana.