A'aselvarides Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil


The A'aselvarides, translated loosely to Champions(A'a) Warriors(Sel) of(Var) the Tree's-Crown-Canopy(ides) in Common, are an elite formation of the Or-Quessiri, comprised of the best fighters, rangers and rogues of their clans.



The exact numbers of the A'aselvarides are unknown, allegedly even to the members of the formation. From gathered testimonies they are believed to be in the low hundreds.


While in their forests, A'aselvarides are lightly armored, wearing black studded leather with a slight green tinge. Depending on their roles, they may carry traps, potions, scrolls, baits and even magical items. Most members will also carry enough rations for themselves and another. While operating outside of the forest they also carry a clan insignia and may wear "civilized" cloths. During their initiation, each member receives a special ceremonial ranger set consisting of a dagger, a hunting knife a a fletching kit.


Standard A'aselvarides weaponry is comprised from the best of the kingdom's arsenal. Each member receive two identical, specially made, Vitnarides and a well crafted and balanced longbow. The ceremonial dagger may also be used as weapon in a pinch.


Members of the A'aselvarides may form a mental bond with an enchanted deers during their training, and while this beast can serve as a mount in time of need it is more of a reliable friend. Not all elves and not all the dears feel comfortable to partake in this kind of highly personal relationship, and the practice is not mandatory.


A'aselvarides work independently from one another on in pairs. They are designated task that may takes decades or even centuries to achieve and are mostly left to report back on their own to The Eryndorian Corps. In the case the Circle of the Eternal Wood want to communicate with an agent they use magic or animal messengers.


They mostly use hit and run tactics, striking from the treetops above. In case of melee combat they tend to strike with precision from close range and then immediately back away, exhausting their target stamina in a futile, and often deadly, cat and mouse chase.


A'aselvarides are trained to think and fight like predators. Those who show a unique trait or promise during their training in the Sel'narsir are selected to be trained in the organization. They are trained in weapon wielding and survival from a relevantly young age. It is not clear what specific core abilities are passed during those decades of training, as they are tailored for each individual.


Logistical Support

Agents are expected to operate independently from the clan and manage their own affairs. In extreme cases the clans may send aid in some form or another, but due to their unique deployment methods any help being received is most unlikely.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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