Circle of the Eternal Wood Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Circle of the Eternal Wood

The Circle of the Eternal Wood is the council and noble leaders of the clans, cities of the Or-Quessiri and Silvendal.   The most common impression to bystanders, is the heavy influence of art and the elvish way on the decisions - however, to the inhabitants of the kingdom, this is called merely flavoring of the dull meetings.


While the Council is considered to be fair among the Or-Quessiri, Fey and Silvendal of Eryndor, it is important to notice that all people adhere to the the somewhat hierarchy that the chaotic elves had to come to grip with:  
  1. Sun and Stars King
    The King is the official head of the council, however, while it is the law, every single word of the Queen of Sun and Shadows override everything the council's decisions.
  2. The Songs of the People
    The songs of the people are a rotating group of representative who are chosen by lottery, sometimes directly by Erevan Ilesere's avatar, high cleric or manifestation. The moon common method is by lottery from fateful important elves.
  3. The Forest Takers
    The Ad Hoc Advisors of the kingdom, individuals who are specifially trained or come with relevant expertise may spontaneously offer advice during council meetings. Many of them, make a habit and see them as Pro Bono advising on their parts. On the rare occasion, they are summoned to the meetings for imporant and crucial decisions.
  4. Autumn Foilage or the Fall foilage
    This role is considered to the role of the chairperson who is rotating each meeting, with a different elf taking on the each time. The chairperson is responsible for maintaing order during that particular meeting but does not have any special privileges.
  5. The Roots of the Forest
    The Roots of the forest, are the ministers and are selected from among the council representative for short terms - usually up to 2 years each - However if they embark on long project, they are specifically chosen ministers for that project and until its end, such as the minister of war and such.
  6. The Tree Ring Transcriber
    The only important role of the country as many take pride in the recording of history - it is usually nominated for many dozens of years anmd the usual minister is a Treant. They are incharge of recording the minutes of the meeting and making sure that the laws are passed to all posts, cities, villages, citadels, holdouts, conclaves and every settlement of the Kingdom.
  7. The Seldarine's voices
    The Seldarine voice is actually a voice of each of the high priests of the deities of The Seldarine. They usually can veto the words of the kings, but never of the queen.
  8. Open Floors
    As the meeting are held in an open area - any elf can attend and no restrictions, except for the closed ministers meeting for which secrecy is valued.

Public Agenda

Innovative Solutions
The primary purpose of the council is to offer diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to the monarch and the kingdom's challenges. Unlike traditional councils, this one thrives on unpredictability and fresh ideas such as innovative solutions which often includes unrothodox and inventive solutions to ongoing problems within the kingdom;  
Daily Meetings
However, even though they are highly 'elvish' and fey in nature, the council does hold daily meetings at different locations throughout the kingdom, often outdoors in natural settings like ancient forests, riverbanks, or mountaintops. The locations are chosen at random.
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