Or-Quessiri Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Or-Quessiri, were the first elves to come into Theras, with the help of the Fey, they were the first tribes of elves to walk and they had welcomed the rest of the Eldar. The Or-Quessiri, are very much connected to the fey creatures and woodlands creatures, unlike the Silvendal, who are more closed up and live in their communities.   The Or-Quessiri, like the Silvendal, are serving in the Royal army and are conscripted for 10 years, but many of them are still volunteering in the The Eryndorian Corps for 2 months every 2 years.  
An Or-Quessiri in the forest
The Or-Quessiri, have suffered greatly in the wars of Menedynn Empire because of Sabium's Cities, they, together with the Elves Aetheliora and then Amon-Thal, had developed many kind of warfares, much suited to large scale and guerilla.  
Relations with Others
The Or-Quessiri have deep relationship with Fauns, Nixies, Nymphs, Centaurs, Dryads, Pixies, Sprites, Treants, Unicorn, Faeriedragons, Eagles, Fey Panther, Elks, Great Elks, Stag  


The Wood Elves, though they go by their name, are in living in typacilly two of the following:
Underground cities and shelters, which competes them in battle with the Drow. These caverns were sometimes built by dwarves or built in conjunction with them, or rarely taken from them by force.  


Their second kind of dwelling, like the Silvendal, was in tree tops, however, instead of Druidic magic that shaped their residence, the Or-Quessiri, have in conjunction with the fey and treants, built their homes together and have used divine magic to construct their magic. Even though Druidic magic seems more natural to the world than the divine magic, the Or-Quessiri cities are much more magnificent, efficient and have more peace of mind in them, as if the Or-Quessiri found the way to welcome the gods in their midst – another is that evidence that the woodland creatures find solace in their midst.


Shared customary codes and values

Their society is highly religious, while being very connected to the Creatures of the Forest, Treants, Satyrs, Dryads and other creatures of the Fey, they are heavily connected to the Gods, but not just the Seldarine but other gods that the Seldarine do not have portfolio. As such they had taught the Elves of Amon-Thal in laters ages this kind of veneration for both the Seldarine and other gods, be them Neomen or Narsilian.

Common Etiquette rules

In addition to being insular and reclusive, the Wood elves are the most warlike and violent of the subraces. They enjoy raiding each other and engaging in large-scale mock battles. Their tactics for dealing with intruders vary from city to city, or tribe to tribe. Some will simply hide and allow trespassers to go by unknowing, while others will attack and capture the interlopers. Though they dislike outsiders, Wood elves rarely kill captives, preferring instead to magically alter their memories and carry them far away, to be released with stern warnings never to return.   Wood elves excel in battle. They are masters of hit-and-run tactics, ambush, and sniping, and have destroyed more than one enemy force that attempted to enter their forest domains. In close combat, Wood elves are equally dangerous, using complex acrobatic maneuvers and displays of their weapon skill to overawe opponents, and slaying both quickly and efficiently.   Although they are grim and hostile around outsiders, within the society Wood Elves are pleasant and outgoing in a manner reminiscent of the Sehan Elves. Their feasts are events of great joy, with singing, dancing, and all manner of merry-making. Hunts are tribal affairs in which all elves, including the very young and old, have a part. They take great care to assist those who need it during the hunt, so all will feel a part of their successes. Religious ceremonies involve exuberant songs and hearty prayers to the gods.   Sexes are often segregated in Or-Quessiri villages, with separate men's and women's lodges for special ceremonies and invocations. Some tribes are exclusively matriarchal, others are patriarchal, and still others call for shared responsibility for rulership between the sexes.

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