Adamantium Material in Theras | World Anvil


Adamantium, is a jet-black alloy of adamant, encompass five distinct variations. While typically displaying a black hue, adamantine exhibited a green iridescence under candlelight and a purple-white luminescence under magical illumination.   Adamantium is casually referred to as Star Metal or Sky Metal, among other metals and it is incredibly durable and able to survice the entry through searing heats.


Physical & Chemical Properties

According to various sources, adamantine, in its different variations, exhibited distinct melting points. One account suggested a melting point of approximately 3410ºC, necessitating extremely hot magical fires, while another, based on dwarven practices, indicated a melting point of 2280ºC. Remarkably, adamantine demonstrated exceptional resistance to the corrosive effects of seawater, prompting dwarves to apply brine to enhance its luster. Additionally, this alloy displayed excellent conductivity for magic, rendering it highly compatible with enchantments of various kinds.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Adamantine is extremely strong and favored by weapon and armor smiths alike for its ability to cut through solid barriers with ease and endure heavy blows.   Additional uses of great significance, golems are constructed many times with the alloy, proved highly resistant to damage from non-adamantine weapons. Moreover, adamantine is favored for weapons intended to strike against objects, while also finding widespread use in crafting superior enchanted weapons and armor. Even magic staves are crafted using adamantine.
340 Gold pieces for 1 lb


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