Aetheliora Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Divine Empire of Aetheliora is an High Elven Empire that had survived until the Menedynn Empire had come with Sabium's Cities and rained fire upon them.


The High Elven Empire, was an empire formed of tribes of many High Elven tribes, having learned the secerts of Arcane Magic from their Sehan Elf, the Ethil-Quessiri, the High Elven Empire was deep infringed with blood magic, utilizing many of their secrets. Their battles with the Drow, had greatly weakened them as their blood magic, while being used for good, was not enough to stop them.   The Aetheliorians, had fought many wars against the Old Ansko Empire and the Dark Elven Kingdoms.   Their kingdom was stretched to the lands of Eldalor and there, the high magic of the Elven Empire was infused with blood magic, in order to fend off the Ansko Empire who had there many naval ports for a purpose unknown to them. This spell had destroyed their the dragonborn armada and causing the isles of Rîn Dolirand to take form, where their allies, The Aquatic Elves had come to settle their old underground cities beneath the waves.   By the year 7,045 BB, Aetheliora was in no shape to fight as they had just finished fighting fighting the Ansko Empire. Thus, when the Sabium's Cities attacked, their magic was so frail and their allies of the fey had abandoned them in their time of need. The Elves were slaughtered, that some historians had come to question the real number of their losses, as the official records of the kingdom show many more than the records of the Menedynn Empire, which were very thorough in their recording of the war.   The Sehan Elves elves of Owhain, had divulged some centuries later that indeed, they had come to the ravaged kingdom and together with the high elves, relieved most of the efforts and helped them cast a spell so strong such in the days of old when they fought the Genasi and Genies in The Elemental and Genies Wars, that it went terribly wrong, causing only further damage to the elven forces that the Sehan elves that came there, were annihilated with the High Elven forces in the north, creating the land so infused with magic, that the Chromatic Dragons of the world came there to settle as they found the lands to their taste and comfort.   Thus, the Sel-Quessiri had been exiled for many millenias, until they founded The Principality of Amon-Thal.

10,721 BB - 7,045 BB

Successor Organization


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